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March 26, 2009

Jeff Overton


JEFF OVERTON: I was able to hit it on the greens and keep myself out of much trouble. I never had to scramble too much, and I played well. I think I did miss one fairway a little bit, but I thought I hit it right down the middle. If you can keep hitting the driver well and stay out of that long, deep grass and figure out how to handle the putter I'll be doing all right.

Q. Talk to me about the putts on 15 and --
JEFF OVERTON: I think there was two putts I kind of came out of, just didn't stay down with it. But then on 17 and 18 I thought I hit really good putts and just misread them. The greens are a little hard to read, especially since I haven't played here before, first time really playing the golf course, and they've kind of overseeded with ryegrass, and it's kind of hard to see which way the Bermuda is taking the grass. So it's kind of hard to read them a little bit if you haven't been out here.
But the golf course is in perfect shape. I don't know that I've played a golf course in this good of condition in a while. It's so fair, and it's fun to be a part of Arnold Palmer's tournament.

Q. You've been playing so well lately. Honda you had a few great rounds. Is there something you've done differently, maybe your game has matured somewhat?
JEFF OVERTON: I think I'm hitting the ball a little -- I'm doing everything a little better and I'm finally in the fourth year here and I'm kind of getting a little more comfortable, I guess, being out here and playing like right in front of Tiger today and knowing that it's going to be a zoo out there. It's so neat, though, with all the people out there. You make a putt and the place goes bananas. It was just fun.

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