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March 17, 2009

Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova


A. PAVLYUCHENKOVA/N. Llagostera Vives
6-3, 3-0 (ret.)

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. No letdowns after your big win.

Q. No letdowns after your big win.

Q. After you beat Jankovic you didn't have a drop.
Well, because I tried to really focus on the next next matches after Jankovic, because it was a little bit difficult.
Anyway, well, I was a bit excited about my big win, and I played very good that day. And also, well, it's always tough to keep focused and keep doing exactly the same things.
So it was a little bit tough moment, but still I just tried to be focused. I was concentrate, and, well, I was just thinking of the next matches, so I wasn't really somewhere, you know.
I was still focused on every practice, everything I'm doing, and just was looking forward for the next matches, which I did, and I'm glad.

Q. Are you that kind of person, always looking forward?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Um, I'm trying to be, yeah.
Well, there is not so many people -- you are never perfect, you know, so you have to work on something all the time, which I try to do. You know, if you achieve something, you always want more and more.
Well, I'm working on it.

Q. Are you having a good time?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Yeah, yeah, for sure. It's my first time here, and I'm really excited. I really like this tournament, this place. Well, I'm doing well, and also, if you're playing well somewhere in the tournament you really like it, which I'm doing, also. It's really great.

Q. You did very well in the juniors at the Grand Slams. Did you have good experiences at Wimbledon, too? Have you ever played the juniors at Wimbledon?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Wimbledon? Yes, I did a few times, but I wasn't very good in singles. I won two times doubles, so...
Last year, I played seniors. Was my first time in the seniors, and I did quite good. I qualified, made two rounds, so it was really good for me, as well.
So after that, I think it's gonna improve my game on grass, which before, I don't know, I didn't feel it very well. I didn't play very good on grass, so I hope it's going to be better.

Q. What's better about your game than maybe a year ago? What's improved?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Well, I think I improved mentally more than -- the game, for sure, of course I improved a lot since the last few months. Like every day I improve and improve more and more, I think.
But the most important thing that I improved a lot is my mentality. And also, I grew up, I think. And, well, I'm becoming stronger, so, yeah, that's the main key, I think.

Q. What's better mentally?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Well, I think I'm more confident now. And, well, I am believing like I can beat any player on the tour. Because, for example, before when I was just very young coming on tour, I was just, for example, playing -- I got wildcard at Wimbledon. Was my first year there, and I played against Hantuchova. I just went on court just because I have to go there, so I knew I have no chance to beat her. So this is what I mean.
And, of course, with that state of mind, if you go on court, there is really no chance to go out actually. So that's the thing changed, I think. So now I just go on court, and I know I can beat anyone. I just play my game. I just try to work hard and I believe, so I think that's the main key.

Q. What is it about Indian Wells that you like? I know some players complain there's nothing to do. Have you found anything to do around here?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Well, you know, it depends what your goals are when you come in the tournament.
I actually -- well, I'm playing at the moment, and I practice. I don't have honestly so much free time, so I'm not -- I have nothing to complain about, because if I have the time -- just few hours before the dinner, which I try to take it easy, rest, change, and go out for dinner. So that's it.
So at the moment, that's okay for me.

Q. You next play Radwanska or Szavay. I think you even know them from junior days, no?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Yeah, especially Radwanska, because I played against her quite a few times, more than a few times, because I can say I grew up with her in juniors.
We were going quite straight. I mean, I was beating her and it was straight, and then she jumped just really -- after Wimbledon I think she jumped high and she went on the pros. She is a little bit older, so she went faster.
And also, I played with her in Wimbledon. And about Szavay, I don't know her that well. I just saw her play in juniors. But when I was coming on the juniors she was finishing there. But I have just seen her play a few times.
They both very good players. Again, I just -- I have to do my job and play my best tennis.

Q. Are you still living full-time at the academy?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Yeah, yeah. I live there and I like it.

Q. Do you think you have a well-rounded life?

Q. It means that you seem to spend so much time on tennis. Do you have time to do the other things that many girls your age would do, go out to the movies, hang around?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Well, of course, I do it. I'm not a robot. Yeah, of course I do different things. And also I have holiday sometimes. Maybe it's strange, but, yeah, I do.
Again, I'm not complaining about my life. I mean, in a way I've chosen this and I like it. I enjoy it so much.
So if I wouldn't, I wouldn't probably do it. Nobody choose it for me. Nobody push me to do it. Well, I really like it. Also, when I meet my friends, I also have seen them doing something and living their own life, and they all, I can say jealous a little bit to me.
They say, Oh, it's so nice that you travel a lot, which is quite -- I think it's more difficult for me than for them. But I prefer my life, actually, because in the way you can do both: A little bit of everything off the court and also, you're on court, you play, you win matches.
No, I think I like it. I have nothing to complain about.

Q. Do you go back to your hometown very much anymore?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: No. Well, my parents, they moved to Moscow now, and my brother and my dad are there. My mom spends some time there, as well. She comes to visit them.
But me, unfortunately, my hometown -- I think I've been there last time on July or something like this. And in Moscow, I don't really spend a lot of time, as well, which I'm not, of course, happy about it, but I also like Paris, and I feel like at home there.
But I would like to come more often in Moscow to visit my family. We'll see. Maybe in the future, I will have chance to come hopefully.

Q. Do you consider this your best result as a pro in this tournament?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Well, Wimbledon was not bad because it was a Grand Slam and I made two rounds, beat good players. It was pretty good, too, but it was long time ago. So this is, I think, one of the...
Also, I feel more -- I like -- I prefer this one more because of my game. It's improved a lot my state of mind and the way I played, the way I beat players, and so I'm really glad with this and happy.

Q. Do you think you can win this tournament?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Um, well, you know, I try not to think that far in the tournament, which I was doing before a lot, and I was putting a lot of pressure. That hurt me a lot, I think, too, because I wanted everything to happen and come fast, especially when I finished the juniors. I thought I can go high like this, because if I was No. 1 in juniors, why not?
I think if I play, I work hard, it can come fast, which was wrong. So now I just try to play every match. I just focus on next match, which going to be on Thursday, so I focus on that one. I will finish it, and then we'll see match by match. Yeah.

Q. Do you have a nickname?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Well, actually, in France they call me Papillion.

Q. What do they call you?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Butterfly. It came because in Morocco I played a tournament, doubles, and I had an outfit. It was orange and it was like quite wide and I looked like butterfly a little bit. (laughter.) So after like this one person told me, and after it became something like nickname, so...
But actually, my name is Anastasia in Russia, but short name, like nickname, is Nastia. Everyone is calling me Nastia. Not Nasty.

Q. Have you had many press conferences?

Q. Have you had many?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Well, I've had a few, but not many. Yeah.

Q. You handle it very well.

Q. What color are your fingernails?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: Thank you. It's dark blue, and I put white flowers on the last fingers. This is yellow for my outfit, matches my outfit. I change it quite a lot. I like it.

Q. Is there anything superstitious about the nail polish and the colors you choose?
ANASTASIA PAVLYUCHENKOVA: No, I don't really have any superstitions. But one of those, I think that I never without color, you know, which can be superstition, probably.
But it's very small, and I don't really have any, because I think after you can get really crazy with this. Because, for example, I think one time you don't do something properly or the same, after you can get really crazy, which I think is really wrong.
Because you play with your racquet, you move with your legs, and I think that that kind of things can bother you on court.
So, yeah, I don't have any.

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