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February 27, 2009

Kevin Na


NELSON SILVERIO: Thanks for taking a few minutes with us here. What was the key to your round today?
KEVIN NA: Yesterday I played, I think, really solid and really made nothing out there, two birdies and all pars, missed two greens, but one of them was fringe. So I actually missed only one green, so the longest putt I made was five and a half feet on the first putt for birdie, and that was it.
Today the first hole I got my tempo, I was coming along, hit really bad into the rough and kind of clubbed it. I hit about a 9-footer up the hill for par.
For some reason I felt I knew I was going to make it, and I made it. And that was the longest putt I made this week. After that I got into a rhythm and made a lot of good putts and started rolling them in.
I made a lot of good putts out there, so that was the key to making a lot of birdies.
NELSON SILVERIO: How did that one rank for starters, number eight, the second-to-the-last one?
KEVIN NA: Number 8? Yeah, that was a good length, probably 28 feet or so. That was a really good putt, and I hit it right on the line, and it went in the hole. And then you know, I wish I made that putt on the last hole. I would have tied a course record, but I missed it right a little bit. I didn't hit it hard enough.
NELSON SILVERIO: That was my next question. You knew that you were approaching the record?
KEVIN NA: Yeah. I kind of knew. I wasn't sure if it was 8 or 9, but I knew if I made it, it was a tie, I could break it, so I had that little thought in the back of the head. But you know, I hit it just like any other putt I would, regardless of where I am in the tournament.
NELSON SILVERIO: Did somebody mention it to you or you just knew it?
KEVIN NA: No. I just knew it from looking at the scores up here of guys in the past.
NELSON SILVERIO: When you hit that putt on eight, did you have that same sense of confidence that you had on the one on 10?
KEVIN NA: On 10?
NELSON SILVERIO: Yeah, because you seemed to --
KEVIN NA: Well, I just came off making, birdieing the four or last five holes or something like that, and I made a lot of good putts, a lot of 15-footers.
Did I know it was going to go? No, right when I hit it and halfway there it looked like it was going in.
NELSON SILVERIO: You've been playing well all season. Has it been the putting or all-around game?
KEVIN NA: It's been all-around. I've been hitting it well, swinging it better. I've always shifted putters pretty good, I think. And I don't know. I don't know. It's just my sixth year out here. I think I'm ready to start making a move out here.

Q. The wind was a little less today. Was that of benefit, do you think, today? That helped you?
KEVIN NA: Yes. Yesterday was definitely a lot windier, especially in the morning. I felt like the wind died down in the afternoon.
I don't know what it was like this morning, but it was a little less than yesterday. Made some of the holes I was into the wind a little easier because it was less playing shorter.
But you know, there's still some good breeze out there. It's pretty difficult to judge your distance with the irons and clubs and with the fall-offs on the side of the slopes and long, you have to really calculate the yardages very well, so it's still playing pretty tough out there.

Q. How do you feel for the next two days?
KEVIN NA: You know, I feel pretty good, playing solid, confidence is there. If I keep doing what I'm doing, hopefully at the end of the week I'll come out ahead.

Q. (Inaudible). What happened in the middle there? Was it steady, not getting any breaks?
KEVIN NA: Yeah. Seems like I've been out there forever. I'm trying to think.
Yeah, there was a couple of short putts I missed for birdie, but overall I hit a lot of good shots, and kept making pars.
The reason why I was able to really take it low on the Back 9 is I was patient, and even though I wasn't making putts, I kept, you know, I would hit a good putt and keep telling myself, wait, it'll start falling, and that's what I did on my Back 9.
NELSON SILVERIO: Thank you, Kevin.

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