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February 25, 2009

Justin Leonard


Q. A couple comments on your match today, a pretty good match, went just about all the way, sealed it with a birdie. Just talk about your match and the way that you played. Obviously good start.
JUSTIN LEONARD: Yeah, it is a good start to the week. You know, we both played a little -- we both played well. It was a little streaky. I felt like I gave him a couple holes, he gave me a couple holes, but you know, in the end I made a few more putts than he did.

Q. You got out of the gates early with a 3, 3, 3 start and were only 1-up. A bit of a surprise?
JUSTIN LEONARD: No, it was probably more disappointing for him to start birdie-birdie and be 1-down. Yeah, we got off to a good start and then hit a good shot into 3 and just missed the putt. You know, it was back and forth. I mean, there weren't many holes that were tied today, but it's certainly a good way to start the week.

Q. Talk about your views on the golf course. Most people are saying the greens are very undulating. What's your opinion?
JUSTIN LEONARD: Yeah, the greens are tricky. You know, you have to put the ball in the right place. When you miss a green, you can't miss it on the wrong side because otherwise it's hard very to get the ball up-and-down. So chipping is very important but really controlling where you're placing your approach shots is very important.

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