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November 9, 2008

Vera Zvonareva


V. WILLIAMS/V. Zvonareva
6-7, 6-0, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Vera?

Q. Can you explain to us what happened in the first set, it was so up-and-down, up-and-down?
VERA ZVONAREVA: Yeah, it was a very tough set, but, you know, I think we both were fighting and trying to find the way to win. You know, because Venus she can come up with some good serves when she needs it. And I think that's what she did really good in the second and the third set, and it was very difficult for me to break -- to break her serve.
But the first set, you know, it happens. It's a game. But I think we both were trying our best, and, yeah, that's sometimes that's the way it goes sometimes.

Q. Overall, what do you take away from the week?
VERA ZVONAREVA: You know, it's the first time I've got the chance to play against Top 10 players five matches in a row. And I was able to come up with four wins. So, of course, it's a good week.
I think I could have done a bit better today, played a little bit better tennis. But, overall, I'm going to try to analyze and try to be better next time.

Q. You said yesterday that you were going to try to not only win the final, but enjoy the day and enjoy the final. What went wrong do you think?
VERA ZVONAREVA: I don't think something went wrong, you know. I think she came up with some good shots, she was staying very aggressive. She was -- well, like Venus is, she's very powerful. She came up with some great serves when she needed. It was tough on me.
But I think maybe I was able to play my game in the first set a little bit better. And then the second and the third she was dictating. So, and maybe I didn't use those shots that helped me to win the first set. I didn't use them in the second and third as much. So it gave her a little bit more opportunities to dictate the game.

Q. As you saw the game slowly slipping away, do you think with hindsight you might have sort of given up too easily?
VERA ZVONAREVA: I did my best today. You know, I'm not satisfied with some shots, maybe. I'm not satisfied with maybe the way I made the choices. It's not about the shots, it's the choices that I was making on the court in the second and the third set. I think I was making sometimes wrong choices the way I was playing. So I'm not satisfied about it.
But otherwise, I was fighting as hard as I can, but she was just better in the second and third set.

Q. Finally, you had quite a lot of support out there. Any message for your fans?
VERA ZVONAREVA: Yeah, you know, it's great to have a support, you know. I think we had a great crowd tonight. It was great to play tennis like this. I think it's a great final, because to play when the stadium is empty it's not fun.
Like this was lots of fun, even though I lost the match. But I was trying, to you know, trying to do my best and show the best tennis. I think we had some good rallies.

Q. After this hectic week, what are you planning to do?
VERA ZVONAREVA: Well, it's the last week of the season, so the first plan is the vacation. And, yeah, just that. I haven't decided yet where I'm going and what I'm going to do. But going home first, and then, well, we'll see from there.

Q. Do you think in your mind what this tournament change a little bit the Russians? You come here as one of the last Russians and now you go for the final, you play very well this week. I already asked you, but maybe you can say something more about what will change after this for you?
VERA ZVONAREVA: I don't know. We'll see. I can't tell you about the future. But it's definitely -- it was definitely a great week for me. I still think there are many, many things to work on, and that's what I'm going to try to do to improve my game for the next year.
I'm sure there are other players that are going to do a good job about it as well. Everyone is improving. Yeah, so, well, we'll see what's going to happen in the future.

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