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August 30, 2008

Richard S. Johnson


RICHARD S. JOHNSON: I played solid pretty much. I got off to a very good start, which really helped. I birdied 11 and birdied 12 and then eagle, I holed a 7-iron for eagle on 13. I mean, I played really solid all day. I didn't miss probably more than two greens, so it's just hitting the ball nicely and making some putts, so I was very happy.

Q. Getting off to that good start, did it kind of take a little bit of -- not pressure, but --
RICHARD S. JOHNSON: Well, I didn't feel that great on the range, so I was kind of happy to see that I got a couple going in the beginning. I hit it close on 17, which kind of helped, and then birdied the next. So you start getting into the groove a little bit and start hitting a little nicer shots, and after that I played really nicely.

Q. You were able to move up last week in the FedExCup?

Q. So you're kind of building on that momentum?
RICHARD S. JOHNSON: Yeah, I played really well last week, I just couldn't get a putter going. But yeah, I hit it very good all week, so I'm kind of happy. I switched putters this week, so I'm kind of happy to get a couple rolling in.

Q. What did you switch from and to?
RICHARD S. JOHNSON: Last week I tried a Taylor Made, and this week it's Odyssey.

Q. Do you switch a lot?
RICHARD S. JOHNSON: I have a tendency to switch once in a while, yeah.

Q. I know a lot of guys have bags full.
RICHARD S. JOHNSON: Yeah, I've got a lot of clubs.

Q. How do you feel about the way the playoffs are going for you?
RICHARD S. JOHNSON: You know, it's always going to be hard for the top guys because we always said you can have a couple guys in the TOUR Championship that maybe don't deserve to be there -- well, of course you deserve to be there. But it's hard to see, if Harrington misses the cut now -- he's going to have to play really well next week to get in the playoffs, to get to the TOUR Championship. I don't know, for me, for the guys coming from behind, we like it, of course. But I can see the top guys are kind of a little bit angry about it.

Q. Has it been kind of cool to be able to make a big move?
RICHARD S. JOHNSON: Yeah, I mean, the change coming from here last year, I mean, there was no way of making Top 70 if you didn't probably win. I bet you they change it again next year to a happy medium.
But it's exciting. Vijay is playing good again this week, leading the playoffs, so it's really nice.

Q. What about the confidence you've gained this year, winning and --
RICHARD S. JOHNSON: Yeah, it really helps. I mean, I kind of struggled with my equipment a little bit, and I've got that right, and after that I've been hitting it lovely. Even after I won, I've been hitting it very good, I just haven't made that many putts. It's been a really neat year. It's funny, if you keep patient, things turn around.

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