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August 23, 2008

Vijay Singh


Q. Talk about your round, you really got yourself moved up the leaderboard today.
VIJAY SINGH: Yeah, when I started, everybody was under par and thought I would just go out there and play a solid round of golf and see what happens. That's what I did.
I didn't expect too much out of anybody else but me. I just went out there and I said, "Just play." I'm swinging well and I'm putting really, really well. I feel really good about the putting part. So just get the ball on the green and give it a chance, and that's what I did.

Q. You said before that this is a good course and it's still holding up; do you like the way it's playing over the course of the week?
VIJAY SINGH: It's dried out quite a bit. The rough is less thicker than what it was Tuesday when we played. I think they stopped watering it, so you can actually play. It's playable, and some places, you can get yourself in big trouble. But I think it's playing really well. The greens have been drying out really fast, and depending where the pin is tomorrow, it's going to be a tough day.

Q. Playoffs, I know you take things one event at a time but this is a great week to finish well and get some momentum heading into the next few weeks.
VIJAY SINGH: Yeah, my goal is to win and that's still my goal. That's my plan right now and we'll go from there.

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