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August 21, 2008
Q. Kevin, you had a bogey-free 67, talk about the round.
KEVIN STREELMAN: Well, I hit my drive into the first cut of rough which helped me because the pin was tucked in the back right corner and took a bit of spin off and looked good the whole way.
Q. You are the king of the opening rounds; how do you take that and continue the rest of the way?
KEVIN STREELMAN: It's just a constant learning process, as this whole year has been for me. Obviously the more times you put yourself there and put yourself in contention, hopefully one of the times it just falls right.
This week I'm trying to have fun. I have a ton of fraternity brothers and friends in the area and they are all in the crowd screaming, and my parents actually grew up the next town over. So they are having a lot of fun seeing the houses they grew up in and the same restaurants. It's a nice week and trying to have a lot of fun out there.
Q. The FedExCup Playoffs, now with the new system, no matter where you are, there's volatility and you can move up; that has to excite you coming in.
KEVIN STREELMAN: It really does. When they started talking about how much you can really move up in the Top-10 or Top-30, it's pretty cool. It can really change a lot of things for many different scenarios, so it works for everybody.
Q. Your parents grew up nearby?
KEVIN STREELMAN: Yeah, they grew up in Glen Rock. They moved in Chicago where I am from I think the year before I was born. So they got in yesterday and went straight to their favorite old hot dog place and saw their old high school, and actually both my grandparents are buried in the cemetery right next door here. It's kind of a meaningful place. Wasn't expecting it to be.
Q. So did you see the house where they grew up?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I have seen it. They went yesterday. We are probably going to go this afternoon, and they will show me and my wife around and check everything out.
Q. What were the friends you said you had in the area?
KEVIN STREELMAN: I went to Duke and a lot of my fraternity were Northeasterners and New Yorkers, and they all live in Manhattan now and work on Wall Street and took the day off and played hooky and came out and watched.
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