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August 15, 2008

Alena Sharp


Q. Alena Sharp, 1-under yesterday, today 1-over 73. How do you feel after two rounds?
ALENA SHARP: I think I hit the ball a little bit better yesterday. I think today was too much of a draw, maybe a little nervous trying to get it done on the harder side. I had a lot of great chances out there, I made a few birdies and just hung in there, made a lot of great putts for par.

Q. This was a real stepping off point for you last year. Do you feel it'll still be the same heading into the weekend?
ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I'm looking forward to a good weekend. I haven't really done well on the weekend this year, and hopefully this will be my week, and think that it's all coming together. My short game is in great shape, and you need to have a good short game out here.

Q. Being a Canadian at this event but playing with Michelle Wie I'm sure brought interesting challenges because the galleries were big. Explain that for those who have never had the opportunity to play with someone that's followed by so many people.
ALENA SHARP: Well, even at 7:10 this morning there were a lot of people out. Maude and Michelle Wie are both over six feet and I'm only 5'6", so I felt like a little midget out there amongst all those people. But it was fun. I hope the crowds continue to stay big this weekend.
I was 1-over on the back. I should have been 1- or 2-under. I played really well. I just didn't make a few short putts for birdie, and then I started making long putts for birdie. So it was just a different day. I didn't hit it as solid as yesterday, but I got up-and-down and I made great putts out there, made a lot of good six- to eight-footers for par. If I didn't make those I don't know if I'd be playing this weekend.

Q. So it's not the putter?
ALENA SHARP: No, it's not the putter, that's for sure. My short game is there, just get those irons a little bit straighter for tomorrow and Sunday.

Q. Do you like where you are right now?
ALENA SHARP: Yeah, the two hardest days are over with right now. Now I can just go play golf on the weekend. It's stressful being a Canadian trying to make the cut out here. This is only my second cut made, and I don't know how many years I've played this tournament, so I'm happy to be playing on the weekend.

Q. Playing with the group with the big gallery and stuff --
ALENA SHARP: I love playing in front of the crowd, so I thought it was a lot of fun, definitely. But I've played with Michelle before, and the crowds weren't as big. I think the people in Canada come out no matter who's playing, but definitely they came out to watch her. Even though I'm a Canadian, I felt like they were out there to watch her more than me.

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