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January 21, 2004

Kevin Na


Q. Talk about your round today.

KEVIN NA: It was shaky on the start. It was cold this morning. I was shaky, making a bunch of pars. And I got to, what was it, 15, the par 5 -- no, it's 14, the par 5. I hit a good shot and it spun off the green on the fringe and I 3-putted. If you are make bogeys on the par 5s, it's not good out here.

Parred the next hole. And I get to 17 and I blocked one and it hit the rocks. Luckily it didn't hit the side of the rock and go in the water on the other side. Somehow it hits a rock that's kind of like this, hits this side, that side and comes down into the bunker I chipped it in for two.

After that, I played well and I got three of the par 5s coming in, 2-putted both of them, made birdie. That's all of my birdies there.

Then made a putt on 8 for birdie, about 12 feet.

Q. Still feel like a rookie?

KEVIN NA: I've got 30 more events to be a rookie. I don't feel nervous at all, especially today playing with the amateurs. I had a great time. I have never been so not nervous. I was just -- felt like it was just another practice round. I was like, God, am I playing a tournament here? I'm having fun talking to these guys, it was great.

Q. Looks like it was a good group.

KEVIN NA: Yeah, nice guys. Played great.

Q. Is this your rookie event?

KEVIN NA: I played last week. I did all right. Played all four days, which was good.

Q. Were you a little more nervous last week?

KEVIN NA: A little bit, but it still wasn't bad. I think I was more comfortable than I expected to be. On the weekend I was 1-over, but it was all right.

Q. You're obviously a sharp guy. You skipped college. Was it a planned deal in looking back now? Did you do the right thing? Do you have any regrets?

KEVIN NA: I still don't know. It's one of those things, you look back, if I did this in my life, what would have happened; if I did this, what would have happened. It's really interesting if you think about it. Right now it looks pretty good. I know I did the right thing because it's what I wanted to do. I think that's more important than what it comes out to be. If you do what you want to do, then you have no regrets.

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