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September 12, 2002

Mathew Goggin


TODD BUDNICK: We have Mathew Goggin, 3-under 68 one shot off the lead for the first round. Mathew is 139 on the money list. You missed your last 5 cuts coming to this week so it must be nice.

MATHEW GOGGIN: I haven't played really that bad. I missed four cuts - two by 5 and two of them by two shots, that's something terrible. 4 or 5 over through the first 5 or 6 holes the first time so I have to work my way back. I haven't done a bad job. I played really poorly. The rest of the time I haven't been that far away.

Q. Is that frustrating?

MATHEW GOGGIN: Yes, I had some bad starts, like a triple the first hole, a triple the second, so when that happens, I just sort of keep going.

Q. Tell us about today, the course.

MATHEW GOGGIN: The course was tough. Pretty cool this morning, very windy. It's died down now. It's probably getting better. It played very tough.

Q. Does that put a lot of pressure on you?

MATHEW GOGGIN: Yes. You try to understand, to think about it after doing it 3 or 4 weeks in a row, you start negotiating the first nine holes thinking I might be all right. It worked out quite well being 3-under after 9, so that got the round going, I guess. For the last month or so I was 4 over the first 9 holes.

Q. Does that become more a mental block than anything else?

MATHEW GOGGIN: It just depends. When you are teeing it up, you have a tough hole playing into the breeze. It's not the end of the world. It's a tough hole. It depends where you are.

Q. Let's talk about the money list thing, we are getting down to the stretch and you are battling for a card for next year, what's your thoughts on that?

MATHEW GOGGIN: Well, I guess because I was playing the 126 to 150 category, I play a limited number of tournaments. I played well when I have. It was disappointing playing poorly. You can't dwell on it. (Inaudible) I have four weeks to get my card. I just got to play.

TODD BUDNICK: Anything else? Thank you, Matt.

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