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July 4, 2008

Rafael Nadal


R. NADAL/R. Schuettler
6-3, 7-6, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What do you think of your performance today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, probably wasn't the same like quarterfinals. I played better in quarterfinals. But, you know, always be in semifinals is one pression match.
Probably against Rainer, I think he was coming probably a little bit tired. I started the match very easy, the first set. Probably always is good start like this, no?
But at the same time is difficult, because when the other starts to play a little bit better you feel strange on court, no?
But, anyway, the most important thing is I am in the final already, and very happy for be in this final another time.

Q. What do you think the quality of the final this time will depend on?
RAFAEL NADAL: You never know, no? I think I did a very good tournament. Well, I think both Roger and me, we did a very good tournament. Right now I just -- well, always is tough play against Roger.
At the same time, Roger, I think, is tough play against me, because we played a lot of times in a lot of important matches, and this is one more, no? I lost the last two times here, last two years, and this year I gonna try my best another time for try to win.

Q. Do you feel you're a better player on grass this year than the last two years, particularly winning Queen's Club? Do you feel more confident?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think doesn't matter win on Queen's or don't win on Queen's for arrive here with good confidence, no? I get a lot of confidence in my clay season, in my hard season in United States, and later for sure winning on Queen's is important.
But I was coming here with good confidence because I played two finals the last two years here, no? I think I am better player in general, but not on grass, because on grass I don't practice too much.

Q. A few minutes ago Roger Federer said your victory at Roland Garros was more or less irrelevant, a long time ago. He says it was on clay a month ago, and it doesn't affect him now. Does it not affect you either? Does it not give you extra confidence?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think it's totally different court, different surface. Everything is different, no? You know, I think doesn't matter. I prefer have the victory, but...
I think don't will be important for the Sunday.

Q. You practiced with John McEnroe today. Why was that?
RAFAEL NADAL: Was good. Was a very nice experience with me, practice with one champion like him. For sure always is a pleasure for me practice with one person like John, no?

Q. Your leg is quite heavily strapped up there. Is that going to be a problem for you on Sunday?

Q. Your leg is quite heavily strapped up.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, is nothing.
THE INTERPRETER: It's a bruise, a burn.
RAFAEL NADAL: Is nothing. Is nothing.

Q. You'll be a hundred percent fit for Sunday?
RAFAEL NADAL: I hope so.

Q. How much do you want to win this?
RAFAEL NADAL: The same like every match and the same like every time when I'm in one final, one important final.
So win here -- I think playing three finals here, I don't have to show anybody if I can play good here. But for sure win or lose is a difference, important difference - in the finals especially.
And probably if I win on Sunday, my careera is changing a little bit more, no?

Q. Federer says, I know how to play Rafa. I know what I have to do. Do you know what you have to do to beat Roger Federer on grass?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no. I only gonna try my best, no? Go on court, try to play my best tennis, try to put my rhythm, my intensity. Later, if he play better than me, he beat me, just congratulate him like every year.

Q. You have a long relationship with your uncle Toni as your coach. Does it surprise you that Roger Federer, he seems to like not to have a full-time coach with him. Does that surprise you for a top player?
RAFAEL NADAL: Everybody's different, no? Is different. I think have a coach is important, but not irrelevant, no?

Q. Would you describe what, if anything, carries over from the experience last year in the final? You said that the French Open this year doesn't make any difference for this surface. What about having played Roger in that great match at the end of last season?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, every year is different and every match is different. Depends of the moment. I say always the same: depends how you arrive to the final; how you feel in the moment; how you are playing. The match can change a lot.
Last year I was very close. I hope on Sunday be at the same performance, a little bit better, I have my chances for win. I say, well, if I have the chance, I hope win this time.

Q. On court you're so intense. Off the court you're so relaxed. Could you talk about that. What is that about?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. That's my character, no? What do you want to listen?

Q. I want your thoughts about the difference between the two.
RAFAEL NADAL: On the court I am relaxed, too, I think. I never say nothing. I never put the racquet outside of the hand. You know, I think I am under control when I am on court, no? That's my feeling.

Q. What would it mean to you to win the title on Sunday?
RAFAEL NADAL: I said before, no, for me for sure if I win here probably gonna be one of the most important wins in my careera, no?
But I don't want to speak about win. I only want to speak about I have to play the final, I have to play my best tennis if I want chances for win this final.
Later if I am here on Sunday with the title, well, you can ask me what I feel.

Q. If you do win on Sunday, do you think that confirms you as the best player in the world once you've beaten Roger on grass?
RAFAEL NADAL: I continuing -- if I have the title on Sunday, on Monday I continuing be the No. 2. I gonna have more chances for be No. 1 in the next months, that's true.

Q. Was there some difficulty with the shoes today? An extra pair of shoes were sent down to you.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, no, was my mistake. I really didn't want to change the shoes before the match. Was a little bit worn out. But for tomorrow new, and no problem for Sunday.

Q. Do you think Roger is the greatest ever grass court player? When you look at his record of five in a row, do you think that's an achievement that never will be broken?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think for me he's the best of the history. I don't know if he's the best on grass because Sampras has seven, no? He has five - hopefully not six this year.
So he has to win two more times for be at the same level as Sampras here on this surface. But in general I think he is the best.

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