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June 26, 2008

Robin Lopez


(No. 15 Overall Selection, Phoenix Suns)

Q. Robin, can you talk about your thoughts being drafted by Phoenix?
ROBIN LOPEZ: I'm very excited to be drafted by Phoenix and I was anxious to be picked here. I think I was one of the few players hoping to fall a couple of spots in the draft just to have an opportunity.

Q. That's a very candid remark. Are you going to be gloating at your brother tonight, even though he was drafted ahead of you, you get to enjoy warm weather with a better team?
ROBIN LOPEZ: Well, first of all, I'm going to say that I have a couple of friends from there and they tell me it's really great, the weather is great and it's nothing about the best so I'm excited about the city.
I'm very excited, I bring a lot of intensity to the game and will bring a strong interior presence on the defensive end.

Q. What do you think about playing with Shaq every day?
ROBIN LOPEZ: That will be a new experience. I know I've called myself tough before, so I guess this will really put it to the test, and whatever doesn't kill me will only make me stronger, as Kanye West says.

Q. Shaquille has always taken players under his wing; do you looking forward to being a wing man for Shaq?
ROBIN LOPEZ: Definitely. I think it's a great honor.

Q. Brook was actually watching you on TV with Kevin Love as the Phoenix pick was approaching and he said he thought you were going to go there, and he just based it on thinking you would fit in real good with that team; how do you see yourself fitting in?
ROBIN LOPEZ: I think I can be a great backup power forward or center. I can go in there and give them very quality minutes.
As I said earlier, I can bring great intensity and I can bring a strong interior presence and make rebounds and hopefully block some shots and play great defense.

Q. Phoenix is about a six-hour drive?
ROBIN LOPEZ: Actually my base was Santa Monica during the workout process, but I'm from Fresno, California. Fresno is four hours north of Santa Monica -- I'll have to go to Fresno, Barstow, Phoenix.

Q. Now that you have both been drafted, who wins if you have opening game?
ROBIN LOPEZ: I'm going to go with the same answer, me, me and the Suns.

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