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June 19, 2008

Lucas Glover


Q. You started off on the back side with a bogey but you held it together, five birdies on that side, and on the other side of the golf course, which was your final nine, you played even par golf. Did you feel like you got everything you wanted to out of this round?
LUCAS GLOVER: I did. I started off with a bogey, which narrowed the focus a little bit. Walking up to 11, I made a birdie there and an eagle on 13 and then got going pretty good. I had a six footer on 1 that I missed and kind of took the wind out of my sails a little bit. I got a good one on 9, so I'm pretty pleased.

Q. How was the course playing? How would you describe it?
LUCAS GLOVER: Perfect, about three-mile-an-hour wind, 75 degrees, and the greens were smooth this morning and fairways were soft, greens were soft, so that leads to low scores, which we got today.

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