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June 11, 2008

James Posey


Q. When you were a youngster dreaming about playing in the NBA Finals and you had the fantasy of you hitting the series-winning shot, what did the shot look like? Was it a fade-away, was it a three-pointer? Was it an alley-oop? What was your shot?
JAMES POSEY: The ball went through the net, that's all. It just went through.

Q. Do you expect to do that this time?
JAMES POSEY: If I get the opportunity. I feel like every shot should go in.

Q. How good are you guys feeling knowing that KG didn't have a good game and Paul didn't have a good game and that you guys had this game in the bag?
JAMES POSEY: We had a chance to win. The shots didn't fall for those two guys, and it is what it is. Give the Lakers credit; they executed on both ends, and they won the game.

Q. A lot of people talk about the big three. If two of the big three didn't score, there's other players on this team, so far as the other guys on this team, you've got to feel something about the quality of play you guys bring to the table, as well?
JAMES POSEY: The opportunities present themselves, you go out there and play and make plays happen when you can. We have confidence in everybody on that roster, so on any given night it can be somebody else stepping up. For us just late in the game we didn't get rebounds. If we get those rebounds, we score, and that's the way we look at it.

Q. (Inaudible.)
JAMES POSEY: I don't know, we go back to the things we can correct and do a better job.

Q. Do you think you need to do much differently than what you guys have been doing so far?
JAMES POSEY: Like I said, we haven't had practice yet.

Q. But is it as simple as just making shots?
JAMES POSEY: I mean, if you make a shot, but at the same time you have to get stops.

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