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April 27, 2008

Rafael Nadal


R. NADAL/R. Federer
7-5, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What did you think when you were down 4-Love in the second set?
RAFAEL NADAL: The true. The true. Just think about I gonna lose the set, but try to lose the set 6-2, not 6-Love or 6-1, for go to a third set with good feelings.
That's my mentally was in that moment, no? And just try to fight every point because he was playing fine and I was going a little bit more behind the court, one meter behind. So he has the control of the court, of the point, always in that moment.
And I just try to change a little bit. I was analyzing what's happening right now because he's winning the points easy to me right now, and I don't see no space for win the point, no? I thought I have to go a little bit more inside and try to fight every point.

Q. What does it mean to you to win your fourth title here?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, very happy, no, for sure. Is very special moment for me. You know, I played all the tournaments this year very well, but I didn't play the last match of every tournament well because I lost easy in Australia, I lost easy in Indian Wells and I lost easy in Miami.
That's, you know -- when you are playing well, when you are feeling you can win a tournament, and finally when you're arriving to the last round and you play bad match, always you go into the next tournament with bad feeling, no?
So was the moment for if I have to lose, lose well, playing well, no? So today I play well. I fight every point. So winning for me fourth times in a row is very, very special, no? Probably one of the nicest tournaments of the world.

Q. Do you actually feel different playing a final on clay than you would, say, playing a final in Miami or playing a final in Australia? Is there a different feeling in you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, the only thing I know if I am not playing very well, I have more time for think or for change the game. You have more options here, no? In Miami, you don't have many options. You have to play aggressive. If you are not playing well, try to be a little bit more defensive, is very difficult always, no? But here you have more alternatives for do, no?
So when I go to the court, I go always with a little bit more confidence, because that give me a little bit more confidence. But feeling nervous for sure, no? When I start the second think, I wasn't win a title yet, I feel it a little bit nervous, no? But finally I got luck, no?

Q. What does it mean for you to take so many times the serve of Roger Federer? So many times you were leaving him one point, zero points.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I don't know, no? I just try to put pressure on his backhand when I have the chance, try to be aggressive, and try to have a good return long. That's only my goal when I am in the returning, no, play long the first shot for try to have the control and can go a little bit more inside.
I know he had two breaks up in the first set. I come back. And in the second set the same, and I come back, too. So was a little bit strange because that's not normal, no? When you're playing a final against Roger, he's a big server. Anyway, if you are playing against me, is not normal to lose the serve four times, no, because, you know, during all the tournament I lost my serve, I don't know, three, four times, no more, no? And today four.

Q. Are you more surprised to win a set against Federer from 4-Love down or win the doubles?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, probably when you start the week winning the doubles is a bad news, because you have to play a lot of matches, you have to play after your singles. But finally when you are in semifinals, you have a big illusion for try to win the doubles.
Anyway, if I lost the singles yesterday, well, when you are in the semifinals of a big tournament like Monte-Carlo in doubles, you have a special motivation, no?
Well, I know if I am playing well with Tommy, we have good chances on clay for play good. I think is more difficult come back for 4-0, no?

Q. Does it mean something for you to win the doubles? You seemed to be very aggressive. In the semifinals, calling the supervisor.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, we call the supervisor because we thought we are fine about the discussion, no? Well, for us is important because we have Olympic year this year and is impossible (indiscernible) with the doubles. And for sure the doubles help for the singles. That's hundred percent true.

Q. You mean for the mental, to be aggressive all the time?
RAFAEL NADAL: It help because you have to volley. You learn a little bit the movements in the volley. You have to return a little bit more aggressive, more inside, so you have another option when you are playing the singles. You can return like doubles sometimes. You practice different shots than the singles. So that's always a good practice.

Q. Looking back to your win against Albert Costa here, if you go back with your mind, what do you remember about that moment? Far away?
RAFAEL NADAL: Looks not far away, but at the same time, yes. Well, all is happening very fast, no? You know, well --

Q. How much different were you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I am coming here for the first time. Was here I was in the top hundred for the first time, no, when I win against Albert Costa, something like this. Always is important tournament for me, no (smiling)?
Well, is a big change, no? Was the first big tournament for me. I played probably my best tournament in my life since that moment because I play qualifying, won against Kucera, against Costa, have a good match against Coria. Right now everything change, no? Happy about the change.

Q. With the changes in the calendar next year, do you expect that you will be playing here next year? Will the top players be here?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, we will see the changes of next year because you know the calendar or not?

Q. It's not going to be mandatory.
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know the calendar yet. The calendar is done or not?

Q. Hamburg, there is still a doubt, isn't there?
RAFAEL NADAL: We can't say too much.

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