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April 26, 2008

Rafael Nadal


R. NADAL/N. Davydenko
6-3, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. So how did you play, Rafa? Were you satisfied with the way you played?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I can't -- I have to be satisfied winning 6-3, 6-2 against the fourth of the world, no? So that's true.
Well, I think he arrive to the match a little bit more tired than me. Probably that's help me a little bit.
But I think I play good match, no? When I have the chance, having the control of the point with the forehand. When he is doing his attack, so just try to run and put the ball in as long as possible, no?

Q. Do you feel you are getting better with every match?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think I am more adapted to clay every match, no? I am feel I play more clay style every day, no?

Q. And you feel more comfortable in yourself?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, sure. But, you know, I have to continuing improve.

Q. You didn't take a lot of risks today. Was it a choice?
RAFAEL NADAL: A lot of risk?

Q. Yes.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I think when I have the chance, I try to be aggressive with the forehand, no? Probably yesterday was more aggressive in some moments. But, you know, Davydenko play more inside the court.
The match in the first set wasn't have a lot of rhythm, no? Later in the beginning of the second, he start playing much better. And was very important game in the 4-2 for 5-2. Was a very, very tough game. He has breakpoints. I have chances for 5-2. And finally after very long game I won the 5-2, and that's the match, no?
But the 6-2 in the second set, the result is more easy than the match, that's for sure.

Q. Which part of his game is most difficult for you to play against on clay?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, he is always inside the court, no? He's pushing against my backhand. But if I feel good with my backhand, the important thing is don't lose, don't go behind the court. So don't lose court, try to be inside all the time. Because if I am inside, I can play more long, and he has less time for prepare the next shot, no?
So if I feeling good with the backhand, is a lot of advantage for me - not only against him, against everybody. The forehand normally was okay, no?

Q. You are the first man to do the fourth final in a row here in Monte-Carlo. What does it mean for you?
RAFAEL NADAL: I am the first fourth in a row? So, well, happy for that. That most important, happy for still playing good, no, for continuing playing good. Having last two Masters Series, two finals, the first semifinals, and the first Grand Slam semifinals, too. So I think is a very good start of the 2008 season.
Just I have to continuing like this, no? I think I am playing well. I am doing good work. If I continue like this, I gonna have chances for being in the top positions another time, no?

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