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September 16, 2005

Karine Icher


PAUL ROVNAK: Karine, thanks for coming in speaking with us. A fabulous round of 4 under par today, 67, puts you at the top of the leaderboard, in a tie for first place right now. Can you talk about your round in general before we take questions?

KARINE ICHER: I'm really happy about my round today. I didn't have any bogeys, so when you play a round without bogeys, it's always nice.

And it's a very tough course, so I'm pretty happy to make this score today on this course, and I hope the same for tomorrow.

Q. You're all playing lift, clean and place today, how much did that help you out with your round, and in particular, was there a hole or a shot that getting a preferred lie really helped you?

KARINE ICHER: Yes, preferred lies help a lot because the ball was dirty on every shot. So to have preferred lies is always good. And I had good driving today, so it helped me a lot; and good putting, so that's it.

Q. Were you surprised when you got to the course this morning and heard you were allowed to play lift, clean and place?

KARINE ICHER: No. Because we had bad, bad weather these last two days, and yesterday we had the facilities closed for the morning, so I thought that it was normal to have preferred lies today.

Q. You played it that way, how much, if you can put a percentage, like how much easier it is than just keeping it down with all of the mud and crud on the ball, how much easier does the course play when you have that benefit?

KARINE ICHER: It's always good. I mean, today I tried to keep the same on every shot, and I didn't have any bogeys, so I stayed in a routine, and it worked.

Q. Is there any way, did you know coming here that you felt like, hey, my game is in good shape; that I might go pretty low the first day here, did you have any idea it was coming?

KARINE ICHER: Unfortunately I had a week off last week, so I worked my swing with my coach in Florida, close to Orlando, and I worked on my putting. So I checked my posture on the putting and it helped me today to make some good putts. And I worked a little bit on my swing, so it's always good when you play tournaments in the world to have some weeks off to make a check on your swing. So I think it was good for me.

Q. The group you were playing with turned out to be a great three some, 4 under, 3 under, 2 under, your playing partners, did you feed off of them? They have been having great seasons, does that motivate you to show that, hey, you're a good player as well?

KARINE ICHER: Well, today it was easy to play because we played great. The threesome played great. JJ make always good putts; and Annika of course, she played well. When you keep this rhythm, the course looks easier than it is.

PAUL ROVNAK: Do you want to take us over that score card? Today you birdied all the par 5s. We'll start with hole No. 1. What did you hit on No. 1 and how far was the putt?

KARINE ICHER: I had driver and 4 iron and then sand wedge and probably 15 foot downhill.


KARINE ICHER: No. 5, I had driver, 4 iron and wedge and I had 5 wood.

PAUL ROVNAK: No. 10, the par 4.

KARINE ICHER: Driver, 7 iron and maybe six yards.

PAUL ROVNAK: 14, the par 5, the 510 yard par 5.

KARINE ICHER: Yes, I had driver and then I had driver on the left hand side of the fairway. So I was in the rough and then 5 iron and wedge and two yards, one yard and a half maybe.

Q. If you could duplicate this again tomorrow, I assume that you believe that you'll be close to the leaderboard again by Sunday, if you could do this at least one more day?

KARINE ICHER: Yeah, of course, yeah, if I could play the same tomorrow, it will be great. So I'm going to keep the same routine and hit some balls and work on my putting, on my posture and it will be okay.

Q. Are you surprised with what Annika did the last seven, eight holes coming in today?

KARINE ICHER: No. She do that a lot of times, so I'm not surprised, not at all.

PAUL ROVNAK: Thank you.

End of FastScripts.

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