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February 2, 2008

Kevin Na


Q. 4-under, nice going, just a couple comments on the round.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, played real solid today. Had a nice group with K.J. and Jason. I kind of got a slow start, but I holed it on 8 for a 2, so happy birthday for Papa NA. He was liking that.
It kind of went from there and I started playing very well.

Q. Today is your dad's birthday?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, he's like 35 for the 20th time.

Q. How about the galleries? How impressive is it out there?
KEVIN NA: It is crazy here. You know what, I like this. I think we should have a couple more tournaments like this, but just because there isn't too many like this, it makes it more special. Honestly, even though they're talking and going crazy over the ball, I don't really mind because actually when it's dead silent and you hear one thing, that's what kind of makes you flinch more than anything. I like it.

Q. You put yourself in position a lot of times going into Sunday, and here you are in position again. Just talk a little bit about the thought process you have going into tomorrow.
KEVIN NA: Just like every day, one shot at a time, play aggressive, but conservative aggressive. You know, sometimes things have got to go your way, and hopefully -- I come to a tournament every week and hope that it's my week.

Q. Going to the Super Bowl?
KEVIN NA: No, I've got to fly back home real quick. I wish.

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