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January 14, 2008

Rafael Nadal



Q. You had to work very hard for that, didn't you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I have to work. He played aggressive, serving very well. Well, I start not very well, no? Little bit nervous. Typical nervous from the first very important match of the season. And for that reason I play a little bit less aggressive than last matches, no?
Well, important thing is win and continuing playing better in the tournament.

Q. What do you think was the key to your victory?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I think I play better than him the important moments, no? I play more solid. I wasn't feel bad in the moments of pressure, no? I play a little bit more inside the court and trying to find his mistake, no? So I change the rhythm with some slice.
I think I have to only improve a little bit more, touching the ball a little bit more inside the court for the next matches. Change a little bit more the serve and that's it, I think.

Q. Is it the sort of performance that gives you confidence going forward in this tournament?
RAFAEL NADAL: Today maybe I didn't play my best, sure, no? But I was practicing very well before the tournament. So I know today I didn't play my best because is typical nervous of the beginning.
But I hope play better next round and I feel confident about this.

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