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January 20, 2008

Paul-Henri Mathieu


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Can you describe the injury, when it first occurred.
PAUL-HENRI MATHIEU: I was a little bit tight. I don't know how to say the name of the muscle, the muscle from the ankle. I was a little bit tight before the match.
I felt it on the first point of the match. I suppose I just pull it a little bit.

Q. Was there a particular shot where it got worse or just bad all the way through?
PAUL-HENRI MATHIEU: Honestly, I could not run. It's impossible to run. Doesn't make sense to play against him if you cannot run.

Q. So you're saying right from the start of the match, you didn't think you had a chance with the injury?
PAUL-HENRI MATHIEU: No, no. After the first one, no, for sure.

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