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January 12, 2008

Steve Marino


Q. Another steady round. What were your expectations going out there today?
STEVE MARINO: I just wanted to go out and just have fun and do the best I could. I knew I was hitting the ball well and putting pretty well. 68, I think I'm going to lose some ground to K.J., but overall I feel like I played pretty well.

Q. Good rookie year last year. You made over a million dollars in the first year out here. Are you ready to win? Can you catch K.J. tomorrow?
STEVE MARINO: I mean, I think I can. I might need a little bit of help from him. But I'm just going to go out with the same mindset tomorrow as I did today and just do the best I can and see what happens.

Q. It's been a pretty quick progression for you. You were just on the Gateway Tour a couple years ago, now all of a sudden you're on the PGA TOUR with a chance to win. What's that feel like?
STEVE MARINO: I'm not going to lie, it feels pretty good. I always knew I was a good player and I believed in myself. I always felt like I could play out here, and over the last year I proved that and I feel pretty good about it.

Q. You shot a round on Saturday that keeps you within shouting distance?
STEVE MARINO: Right. Yeah, I feel like I played pretty well today. I got off to kind of a slow start only shooting even par on the front nine. But I played well. I just couldn't get those putts to fall.

Q. Four, maybe five back of K.J., depending on what he does here. What's it going to take to catch him tomorrow?
STEVE MARINO: It's going to take a low number and a little bit of help from him. Obviously he's playing really well, so I can't worry about what he's doing out there, I've just got to go out and do the best I can. If he falters a little bit, I might have a chance to catch him.

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