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November 13, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You gave up challenging towards the end. Does that mean you gave up on this match towards the end? You didn't challenge the last call on the line. Does that mean you gave up the match?
RAFAEL NADAL: Nothing of this, no? The ball is out. This is stupid ask one thing if the ball is out. Is not nice. Because I asked to the referee the ball is out. I didn't say, I want a challenge.

Q. It seems the first four seeds didn't do well in the last few days. Both Federer and Davydenko lost. You lost today. Djokovic has been eliminated already. How do you feel about that? Are you unlucky or are the people like you a target?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, is the tougher tournament of the year, the more difficult tournament of the year. We play against the best always, every match, so anything can happen, no?
Yes, Federer is the No. 1, I am the No. 2, Djokovic the No. 3, Davydenko the No. 4. We have this ranking because it's the result of all year. But in one match anything can happen, especially if you play against the best.

Q. Can you say something about David's play today. He played incredible tennis. Pretty much nothing you could do in the third set.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, no, congratulate him. He's playing with unbelievable confidence, moving unbelievable, his playing is crazy. Just congratulate him.
I didn't play bad match. I play a good match. I fight a lot, and finally I can't win. I play very, very good first set. The second, little bit unlucky because I have one Love-40, another 15-40, so is chances to go break up. Finally I can't.
The first opportunity he break me, no? And later I have the 30-Love on 5-4 and he play some very good points. Nothing to say. Congratulate him. No excuse. I play well; he play better.

Q. Towards the end of the match you looked pretty tired. Did you feel tired or did you have any physical problem today?
RAFAEL NADAL: No physical problems, no. Everything fine, no? Was tough match. We ran a lot. So little bit tired. That's it.

Q. You two were very similar in terms of the way you were playing with fast footwork and topspin and running, strong defense. Did you ever think that you were actually competing against yourself on court?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't understand very well the question, no, because I fight against David Ferrer, not against me.

Q. He plays the same as you, very quick.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I understand that. Yeah, but, no, I understand. We play different, no? Is not the same, no? I play with more topspin than him. Is not the same game, no. Is not the same style. My opinion.

Q. What is it like playing against somebody who you're friends with off the court and who knows your game and you know their game so well?
RAFAEL NADAL: Nothing special, no? Is a very good friend of me. Is very, very nice guy. We have very good relationship. But when you are on court, you try your best. I try my best. He try his best. Anything can happen, no?
Disappointing for me. Today happen I lost. But was very close match.

Q. You played great today. Ferrer made you play some really tough defense. There are times, as well as he was playing, you were able to take charge of the point and play offensively. What was the difference between when you were forced to play defensively and when you could play offensively?
RAFAEL NADAL: What's the difference? When I can play offensive is easier because I have the control of the point. Anyway, he run a lot. But when I can play with the forehand, three forehands straight, having the control of the point, I have a lot of chances for end on the net in easy volley, no?
If not, well, is very difficult take the rhythm of the game, play aggressive all the time, no, because he's feeling unbelievable physically. So, well, I can play sometime. But later I need some calm. I need to rest a little bit some games, no, for try to play another time aggressive.
I try. When I can, I try to play aggressive, no? And in the beginning, I have very, very good level.

Q. When you are 1-4 behind you, do you think you have confidence to catch up?
RAFAEL NADAL: If he has confidence with 5-1? If I have? Yeah, sure. I support me a lot when I win the first break. It was very, very tough. I try my best with every game. I know especially if had won one more game, two more game, finally then the group is easier to go to the semifinal.

Q. It seems that you play in the similar way like you play on clay. Now you are on hard court. Do you have the plan to try to play more aggressively on hard court?
RAFAEL NADAL: Always the same, no? I try. I try to play more aggressive, no? But is not easy. My game is my game. My style is my style. Not easy change, no?
I play aggressive when I can. I go to the net so many times this year, more times go to the net, no? Is a big improve. I improve of a lot the volley. So I have to continuing to improve. I just have 21 years old so...
That's it. It's the third time here. Sometimes the people says things, I am very old. So I have to continuing improve every day.

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