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October 25, 2007

Kevin Na


Q. Kevin, a 5 under par 68 in the first round. Good position. You're 116th coming into this week. This is a good chance to pass some people.
KEVIN NA: Yeah, definitely. I mean, I'm locked for 125 Money List, so that's not a problem. But it's always nice to move up the Money List and have some extra Christmas money.
I definitely played solid today. I think I had six birdies and an eagle. I started off with an eagle on the first and holed out from a hundred yards, so that was a nice start.
Unfortunately I did have a triple bogey on a Par 3, and we were on the at clock and I rushed it a little bit off the tee and pulled it into the palm trees. I should have called unplayable, but I tried to hit it out.
It took another two shots for me to get it out of there. So it was unfortunate that I made triple, but I came back nicely.

Q. Just a really bad lie?
KEVIN NA: Yeah, really bad lie. I thought I could have banked it just a little bit in the bunker and get up and down for a bogey. If I called unplayable I would've been in the rough -- if I called unplayable I would have made bogey or at worst double. I thought I could make an easier bogey by trying to hit it out of there, but it just wasn't the case.

Q. Very solid first round. Keep it up.
KEVIN NA: Thank you.

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