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October 5, 2007

Jonathan Papelbon


Q. What happened? You guys are about to fly cross country. What happens on that flight based on what just happened on the field?
JONATHAN PAPELBON: Well, hopefully I'll take all of David Ortiz's money, and if Manny wants to jump in, I'll take his paycheck, too.
But no, we're just going to hopefully relax and have a little fun and get back to work tomorrow.

Q. Can you talk about the bullpen, the job the bullpen did tonight as a group?
JONATHAN PAPELBON: Yeah, I think from top to bottom our bullpen was light's out. You know, it all started with Javier going out there and setting the tone. And everybody just follows in suit, and that's what we do. That's what we've done all year. And we love the challenge, definitely.

Q. Did anybody call that shot by Manny? And just talk about the home run and that spot in the game.
JONATHAN PAPELBON: Well, Mikey Lowell actually said, we're going to have a party at home plate here in a little while. So I don't know if you necessarily call that calling it.
But you know with our fans here and the way we are here at home, you know, the game's not over until that last out is made, that's for sure.

Q. Can you talk about being up 2-0, and how confident are you now that you can get it done in Anaheim?
JONATHAN PAPELBON: Obviously this was the whole goal for us to go out and win these first two games here at home. But I think that the biggest thing is that you know, this isn't all said and done until that third game is under the belt. And we've got to go to a tough place to play in Anaheim. And we got the big daddy Curt Schilling going tomorrow. And I think anybody on this team would love to have him going for us tomorrow to seal the deal, and I know he'll be ready to go.

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