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September 21, 2007
STEWART MOORE: Jeff Gove, thanks for spending a few moments with us here in the interview room at the Turning Stone Resort Championship. Great round today. 67, 5 birdies, 13 pars, obviously, you're still playing very well.
JEFF GOVE: Yeah, thanks. I'm pleased with, you know, the position I'm in. And most of my play today I was staying in the moment, playing well, staying positive and trying to stay aggressive, because the scores are low.
STEWART MOORE: You get off to a hot start. You birdie two of your first three and then you go through a stretch of eight straight pars on a day where a lot of birdies were flying. Is that a little frustrating out there?
JEFF GOVE: Yeah, but you've got to stay patient. You have to just wait for your next little run where you make three, four or five in a row, or 5 of 8 or whatever.
And, yeah, you know, I was giving myself chances. I was hitting good putts, and you know, had a couple, couple par savers in there which kept me going, so that's always key.
STEWART MOORE: Questions for Jeff.
Q. Any big difference between today and yesterday in terms of your game and just how everything played?
JEFF GOVE: It was hotter, that was about it (smiling). It's hot out there today for this week. But no, the course is still great. The greens are really good. You know, in the afternoon they get a little bumpy compared to the morning, but they were still beautiful.
And, you know, we had a little bit of wind out there that was swirling. But I got off to a nice start and tried to keep it going just like I said. Just wasn't quite hitting it as close as I did yesterday, but not getting myself in trouble.
Q. And then tomorrow, being among the leaders, what is your approach tomorrow?
JEFF GOVE: Well, I'm sure I'll have the same game plan. You know, trying to really focus on, you know, hitting good, solid putts and just pretty much stay aggressive. Kind of see what the course gives us depending on pin placements and all that. Keep trying to hit the ball in the proper spot to putt from. And other than that, just kind of see how it plays out.
Q. We're doing a profile on you. What are some things you're good at or you like to do other than golf?
JEFF GOVE: (Laughing) Well, you know, I've got a young family now. I have a 3-year-old and a 9-month-old, so it seems like a lot of my time now is spent with them and my wife, so that's a lot of fun.
But I like to do some fly fishing and, you know, play all sports. But golf's a full-time job, so this takes a lot of time in the summer.
Q. Did you look at the leaderboard at all on your way around? Because Steve really started off, he got 30 on the back nine?
JEFF GOVE: Yeah, I didn't see that. When I started, because I started on number 10. I saw somebody was already on 9 or 10 under before I even teed off, so I knew the scores were good. And knew i had to stay aggressive and continue to make birdies. And keep giving myself chances.
I didn't see until number 9 that I was a shot back. That was a big par save on number 9 I made. I hit a great chip-up there about a foot away, so that gives me a lot of momentum for tomorrow.
Q. What happened there, anyway? I mean, it was a great, great chip. Just come up short on the approach?
JEFF GOVE: Yeah, just pulled my drive like literally like a yard. If it was a yard to the right, it would have gone way past that bunker, and I would have had a short iron to the hole. And I was kind of close to the lip. So I was a little afraid, so I was trying to guard against, you know, not clipping the lip. Just hit it a touch heavy, but just left it left of the green where I had a nice open shot, and just hit probably the best chip I've hit in months.
Q. Thought it was in?
JEFF GOVE: No, I didn't think it was in. I was happy to see it get close though.
Q. For this weekend, the scores are kind of low, you think it's going to be much of the same the next two days, or do you think the pin placements will change any of that, or why do you think it's low?
JEFF GOVE: Well, the course is perfect conditions. So if you hit a good putt, it's going in the hole. It's not bouncing off line. And then that's mainly why the scores are so good.
The course is just so good, and the players are great players. But this weekend the scores could continue or they could go up depending on how firm they get the greens and depending where the pins go.
But, like I said, you're going to have to stay aggressive. There are a lot of guys within four, five shots of the lead, and somebody could go out and shoot 63 tomorrow and jump right up there. So I'm sure the scores will continue to be good.
STEWART MOORE: Jeff, on that same note, Jeff Maggert earlier said that in terms of conditioning, this is a top five course on Tour, at least that he's played this year. Would you agree with that?
JEFF GOVE: Definitely, definitely. There's no question. I was telling my caddie, I don't remember greens this is fast. I've got to go back probably two or three months since we've had greens this fast and this good. So hats off to this place, it's really nice.
STEWART MOORE: Mind briefly going through your five birdies for us?
JEFF GOVE: Yeah, started number 10. You know, hit a great drive and had like 108 yards. Hit a little pitching wedge to about probably 10 feet, that's my guess. I have to ask ShotLink about that.
Number 12, hit a great drive, and hit my 3-wood a little left. Went way over the green. Probably should have taken a different line. And had a tough chip and hit it up to about 4 feet for birdie and made that.
Let's see, number 3, the par 3. I liked that hole. Birdied it twice. It was 202 yards today, and I hit a 5-iron on the back edge of the green. Just probably the best iron shot of the week, and made about a 20-foot putt. Which was nice to see one go in, I hadn't seen one go in for quite a few holes there.
Number 4, hit a great drive. And had, I think, 102 yards, hit a sand wedge to about 6 feet, straight up the hill. You know, really, really good spot to leave your putt.
And then, number 8, hit a good drive, and hit a good 3-wood pin high. Just left of the green, and hit a great little flop shot to probably 9 or 10 inches out. So that was a nice, nice way to end.
Q. And number 9, what happened on number 9?
JEFF GOVE: Number 9 I drove in the left bunker, and tried to hit a 6-iron out. Caught it just a little heavy. Came up maybe a yard or two short of the green but just left. But I was in the fairway. And took out my 9-iron, chipped it up there within a foot. So that was a great up-and-down.
STEWART MOORE: Jeff, great play and good luck this weekend.
JEFF GOVE: Thanks a lot.
End of FastScripts