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August 29, 2007

Rafael Nadal


Q. How is your knee? What's the problem with it?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, my knee was fine three days ago. Three days ago I was practicing and, well, the last minute of the practice I feel, I don't know in English, but I feel something.

Q. A pull?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. Well, I have pain. The next day I didn't practice. Yesterday I practice, well, 35 minutes with Oscar, he's a coach. Well, maybe if I am in another tournament, I never go to the court today. But is the US Open, so is very important tournament for me. I have big illusion for play good this tournament.
Well, I hope the knee improve. I have one day, a little bit more than one day, right now. I hope the knee improve.

Q. Do you know what is the problem?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, sure. I have a tendon.
THE INTERPRETER: He's got an inflammation on his tendon on his knee. Because of that inflammation, they cannot really know what's going on.
RAFAEL NADAL: I work a lot the last two days, because two days ago I thought I can't go on court. I work a lot with my physio. I want to say thanks to my physio, to Dr. Parra, with the trainer of the ATP. I work a lot.
I improve. So today I go on court. You saw the match. I didn't run too much, no? I can't move too much. But I spoke with the coach before going on court. Just try to move less as possible and try to win. With one more day, two more days, because maybe I play Friday night, hopefully can improve.

Q. Was Alun Jones a tougher opponent than expected?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, the truth is I am focused on me, no? I was focused on me. Just be focussed about my knee, about how is the match going. And, well, he play -- sure, is nice match for him. He play with no pression. Play very aggressive all the time. Well, he has his chances to play good.

Q. How close were you to not playing today? Did you think in your mind you were not going to play?
RAFAEL NADAL: Two days ago, yes. Two days ago, yes. Today or yesterday night not. I try. My thought, I don't know, if after three, four games, one set I have to go out. But I try.

Q. Is it your left knee or your right knee?

Q. But both knees were taped today.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, because I have the problem in the right knee the final of Wimbledon, and later in Stuttgart. But I play Montréal, Cincinnati, I practice very hard these weeks, and I don't have any problem. But that's only for precaution.

Q. So the left knee is a new problem?
RAFAEL NADAL: Is not a new problem, no?

Q. A new injury?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. But is not an important injury. I have an MRI yesterday, before yesterday, and is not a big problem. But, sure, is difficult to play like this, especially here, no? I have similar problem than the right knee. But I stop one week after Stuttgart, doing the treatment. After that is working so much better. I don't have no problems after that, no?
So if you can't stop, is more difficult.

Q. Were you practicing here when you felt the pain? Where were you practicing when you felt the pain?
RAFAEL NADAL: Three days ago, I was practicing with Murray on center court.

Q. Did the doctor say there's any chance that the knee could get all better during this tournament or are you going to be having pain the whole tournament?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I hope feel better. Well, I speak with my doctor in Spain, with the doctors of here, and I am doing all the things for improve. Two days ago I was so much worse than right now. Today I don't move too much, but I play, so that's a good news. We hope I can improve. If not, I'm going to try my best, but...

Q. Did you not move so much today because you chose not to take the risk on your knee or did it just hurt so much that you couldn't run?
RAFAEL NADAL: I chose don't take the risk for the knee. But, anyway, is difficult move well when you know you have a problem there, no?

Q. Does this surface here make your knee hurt more than it might on grass or clay do you think?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, the hard surface always is tougher, and the tennis is going to have more and more hard surfaces tournament. And in my opinion is a little bit mistake because for the players and for have a longer career is better play in other surfaces. But the tennis is going like this.
For sure is less aggressive, grass or clay.

Q. Are you worried that the knees will be a long-term problem?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. I say it before, no? Is not important injury, no? Is nothing totally new. A lot of players have problem with the tendon there. That's my normal problem, and I play.
I have the same problem four years ago than right now. My knee is not going worst in the last four years, and I play at the best level, so that's a very good news, no?
But yesterday I -- three days ago I have that problem. That's it. I don't know.

Q. How disappointed are you that you are not a hundred percent or at your best going into the final major with a chance to perhaps seek revenge against Roger?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, is not the moment for speak -- to speak about Roger, no? Well, sure is enough. Can't play at hundred percent in very important tournament like this. Is big motivation for me play here. But the tournament is not finished, so I am there.

Q. Will you have to play more offensively now because you'll be limited a little bit in running?
RAFAEL NADAL: I will try my best (smiling). I don't know if play aggressive, but defensive. I don't know.

Q. If the knee takes you out of the tournament, you're not able to finish, who would you like to see win it?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, favorite for me is Roger.

Q. Roger?

Q. Going forward in your matches, do you feel you're going to put everything out there or do you feel you need to physically play in a conservative manner, not move so much?
RAFAEL NADAL: I feel I need play -- I don't know if I have to play aggressive or not aggressive. I have to play in the same way than what I am doing always. I have a problem in the knee. So if I have to go out, I have to go out. But I am playing more aggressive this year than last years, and I have to continuing playing like this, no, because this year I am playing well.

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