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August 10, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Your opponent, did he surprise you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, he play, yeah, a very good game, no? He play very aggressive tennis, sure. Well, I know he's playing well, no? He's beating Del Potro, he's beating Verdasco, playing the final in Indianapolis, winning against Roddick in semifinals.
Well, was not a surprise for me. But, sure, was a very, very tough match.

Q. Had to be strange. You usually are a big crowd favorite. Tonight you were the bad guy.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, not 'the bad guy'. That's very good for the tennis. The crowd was unbelievable. Very nice atmosphere. Yeah, supporting him a lot, but with a lot of respect for me, too. I hope tomorrow change and the public, the crowd, support me, no (smiling)?
Anyway, was very, very nice atmosphere. That's very good for the tennis. Very good for Montréal, too.

Q. Where you worried at the end of the first set?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, he's having some shots that not exist, so sure I'm worried because if you lose a first set, you can lose the match. He has one breakpoint in the beginning of the second. Well, sure, I was thinking I can lose this match. But at the same time I just focus on me, continuing fighting, and be there for if I have any chance for try to convert the chance.
Very happy about my victory. Is very important victory for me against very good player.

Q. When the crowd is cheering for your opponent, does that put pressure on you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Not much, no? Always is better have the crowd with you, no? But, well, I understand that's the sport. I'm in Canada right now, it's normal.

Q. It doesn't affect you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Maybe always affect a little bit because you have the crowd with you, you're playing with more confidence. The good moments are better and the worse moments are not worse, no? So that's the difference.
But for the rest, I have a lot of match behind my shoulders in Davis Cup, playing outside, so for me is no problem.

Q. What is your expectation for your match against Djokovic tomorrow?
RAFAEL NADAL: Just try to play my best tennis, no? I know if I play my best tennis, anyway, going to be very tough match because he's playing unbelievable. He's winning against Nalbandian 6-3, 6-2, Roddick 7-6, 6-4 today. So he's having very good tournament, unbelievable season this year.
I know is the No. 3 in the world, No. 3 right now. Gonna be a very nice match. No. 2 against No. 3. Last time when I play against him on this surface I lost in Miami. Last time when I play against him, I beat him on grass. And on clay I beat him two times, too. It's going to be interesting match, very interesting match.

Q. What's keeping you from playing your best tennis?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I had not bad game today. I was playing a great match. Dancevic play very aggressive game and was very difficult play against him, no? But I'm feeling the ball much better than the first two days.
Probably this tournament was not my best tournament. Was not the tournament when I am playing better, no, on the year. But the true is, I'm coming better every day. Well, I hope tomorrow play better. I think I am prepared for try to play my best tennis tomorrow.

Q. Dancevic said in the second set you broke him. What do you think made the difference for you to get the advantage in the second set?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, important because he's playing with the confidence. Is important have a break soon. You have break soon, the opponent have some doubts and you can continue with good confidence.

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