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August 10, 2007
Q. So far, two days, how are you pleased with your patience out there, tough course, tough conditions?
CAMILO VILLEGAS: It is a tough course. No, I've been very patient. I've hit the ball great. I've rolled a lot of good putts just barely short on line, but survived the day after not having a very good night yesterday, probably spent half the type in the bed and half the time in the bathroom. It was a rough one. I didn't really eat all day, I have to go in there and try to get some energy in me and hopefully be feeling better for tomorrow.
Q. Is patience in these events something you've been learning of a little bit more every time you play a major; that's the most important thing?
CAMILO VILLEGAS: Yeah, it is the most important thing out here.
The setup, I mean, the setup it's just tough. You've got to be patient. You've got to play smart off tees. You have to understand that there are going to be some good bogeys out there and just keep going. The greens are a little -- actually not a little; they are bumpy out there, so you've got to be patient with that, too. If you hit a good putt, it goes in, great. If it doesn't, well, just get ready for the next hole.
Q. Was 18 a good 5, the last two shots?
CAMILO VILLEGAS: Yes and no. You know as golfers, we're always thinking about that second shot. But you know what, what a great fourth shot I hit. The fourth shot, the chip was very nice and left myself a very easy putt for bogey and just can't wait to go home and lay in bed and relax and get some energy tore tomorrow.
Q. What lie did you have over there between the 10th tee and the scoreboard?
CAMILO VILLEGAS: It was okay. I thought I hit a good shot. I said, "Be good" when it came off the club face but just about four yards short. Anything touching that green was going to go all the way to the pin. So, it's okay.
Q. Surprised at how the Leer board has changed quite a bit?
CAMILO VILLEGAS: I haven't really looked at it. I heard some noise. Maybe Tiger is making some birdies out there, but that doesn't surprise me.
Q. He just birdied to go 6-under, sole possession of the lead right now. Mentally they talk about what happens when Tiger gets atop the leaderboard, how do you view that is this?
CAMILO VILLEGAS: Well, I can't be thinking of him. I've got to play the golf course, like I said, it's very easy out here to get distracted and change your strategy for the day. There's plenty of options out there, but I believe there's only one smart play.
A lot of the holes, you've just got to lay back and try to find the short grass and just stick to your plan. So we'll see what happens.
Q. You struggled on 18 yesterday and today. What makes that such a challenging hole for and you everyone else?
CAMILO VILLEGAS: Well, I put the ball in play both days in that first cut on the left. Yesterday I hit a good second shot. I thought the ball was going to jump a bit and it just didn't and caught the right front of the green and it's a very slow putt up that hill. I left it about six feet short and just pulled my second one a little bit.
Today I was in-between clubs, tried to fade that 4-iron and kind of double-crossed it. That's what you get. It's a tough hole. I guess it played the hardest hole yesterday, and who knows, it probably will play the hardest hole today.
So, you know what, after all, I made a good bogey. Hopefully we'll get that baby the next two days.
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