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August 8, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: First question for Rafa, please.

Q. How was it to play Marat for the first time?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, was tough, no? I start playing very well in the beginning and, yeah, I have some mistakes, and he start to play more aggressive. So, yes, is special feeling, no?
Marat is, well, very aggressive play. He can do always everything. And, well, you are all the match with tension, no, because if he's playing good, is impossible, no?

Q. What were you thinking when it was hard for you to break in the first set? Did you think you might lose the match?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I wasn't thinking lose the match, no. I just think about the moment and every point, no? If I lose the first set, the match will be complicate, no?
But, well, the match is long and I fight for sure for every point, no? But, well, he has two set points, so was very close first set.

Q. Did you have a particular strategy? Marat seemed to think you were waiting for him to make mistakes rather than going for shots.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I worried about me today, no? First round is difficult have special tactic. I just think about me, think about try to play as good as possible because, yes, you never know what's going on.
Is the first round. Is the first match on hard after long time without playing on grass and on clay. Is difficult play well, no? Just try to play good, no?

Q. How comfortable are you playing in Montréal?
RAFAEL NADAL: Right now I have seven match in a row without losing here, so good, no (smiling)?
2005, I play very well, very good tournament - all matches. Today is difficult play very good because Marat is touching the ball with unbelievable power every time, no? But I am there, I fight. In the end I can win, no?
Yes, I know I have to improve something for tomorrow. I have to improve the serve. I have to improve play little bit more aggressive with the forehand. And that's it, no? I know that's important for try to win tomorrow. I'm going to work on that tomorrow morning.

Q. How many players have you played who hit the ball as hard as Marat does?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, today a lot of players hit the ball very hard, no? But like Marat, not much.

Q. What are you thinking when Marat throws his racquet?

Q. Happy?
RAFAEL NADAL: Happy, me?

Q. He's getting frustrated.
RAFAEL NADAL: No feelings, no.

Q. Doesn't bother you?

Q. Are you comfortable with the surface, because you seem to slide a little bit?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, is normal hard surface. Is fast, is one of the fastest courts in the tour. But I prefer little bit faster. Is fine.

Q. Did you try playing more on his forehand or his backhand?
RAFAEL NADAL: If I try to play?

Q. Did you try more to his forehand or his backhand?
RAFAEL NADAL: Against Safin?

Q. Yes.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I change. All depends of the point because Marat -- I explain. If I can, I change to the forehand. Was good, because is important shot for me, no? But if not, I just try to play as long as possible to the backhand.
If I play short, I know Marat, he kill me, no? He has all shots: the cross, down the line.

Q. We asked you about Safin throwing his racquet. When was the last time you threw your racquet?
RAFAEL NADAL: Never, no? I never put the racquet. Well, today I put the racquet one time there like this, but not for angry. I wasn't angry, no? I it was just very nice point. I never put the racquet on the floor, no.

Q. Do you think you can make it to No. 1?
RAFAEL NADAL: If I going to be the No. 1? You never know, no? You never know, especially if Federer is the No. 1. If Federer is continuing play like this, going to be not soon.
Well, this year I am No. 1 in the race. I have some different points. I gonna be the No. 1 for one more week because I have (speaking in Spanish.)
THE INTERPRETER: He's got enough points to continue to be the race leader at least one more week, but he doesn't have enough points to continue to be the leader. He knows that Roger is the favorite till the end of the year because this is his favorite surface.
RAFAEL NADAL: So I am with calm. I just try to play my best, continue improving my game, no? I am young. Try to work every day for if I have the chance any day.
THE INTERPRETER: To take the opportunity, to take the chance.

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