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July 25, 2007

Vijay Singh


THE MODERATOR: Vijay, you've been pretty loyal to this event. Is there something in particular you like? I know you play a lot anyway, but you've made it back seven years in a row to the Canadian Open.
VIJAY SINGH: It's a good time. I have a good relationship with Bell. So, I mean, if it wasn't for Bell, I probably wouldn't be here. But I like the tournament. I like the way they set up the golf course, and it's a big event. I think depends on what people think it is in the states. It's a long-time event on tour, so I just thought I'd come play.

Q. You play with Mike again, and everybody remembers what happened in the playoff in 2004. Still talked about a lot around here. Your relationship with Mike, is it a pretty good one?
VIJAY SINGH: Yeah, it's a good one. He's a very strong competitor. He loves to win and he loves to play well, like we all do, you know. When you get out there, I mean, friendship doesn't matter. You just go out there and play the best you can. And you get out of it and then you can have a beer afterwards. But while we're playing, we're two competitors.

Q. What do you remember about that day at the Abbey?
VIJAY SINGH: I won. I won.

Q. Memorable day, a roller coaster day?
VIJAY SINGH: Yeah, I won.

Q. Do you feel like playing against a hometown, home country guy like that, does that enter into your thoughts ever at all, emotionally or otherwise?
VIJAY SINGH: Not really. I mean, the fans are pretty for Mike, or anybody if he was playing against me in my homeland, it would be the same thing. So I don't, you know grudge him of that. I think it's good that the fans are behind him and supporting him. That's what he needs, everybody needs. That's what home course advantage really means.
So, you know, I hope he plays well this week, and I hope he wins if I don't. So, you know, I'm looking forward to it.

Q. This course didn't come in with necessarily the best reputation. Wondering what your thoughts are?
VIJAY SINGH: They need to hide the pins a little bit, otherwise other guys are going to shoot very low. It's very generous off the tees and the greens are very big. So unless you hit a really bad shot, you won't be penalized. You know, low-scoring, definitely unless the winds come up, it's going to be a low scoring week. And look for a very low cut and probably low-scoring tournament.

Q. Do those fairways look even wider after coming off a week at Carnoustie?
VIJAY SINGH: Yeah, but it's different. The conditions are different, your mindset is different. It's a different golf course all together, but it does look a little wider than Carnoustie. But on the average, it's probably one of the widest golf courses we play and fairways play really wide.

Q. How does your mindset differ when you come off a major?
VIJAY SINGH: Well, depending. If you're disappointed with the week, if it's not very good. I was disappointed, you know, shooting, what, 4 over the last day. But I wasn't disappointed with the way I played. You know, I'm playing well, I'm feeling good about my game. And a lot of good things happening in the golf swing that has not materialized yet. So coming off this week, I feel like it's a new tournament, new place, and good memories, So hopefully good things will happen.

Q. You, yesterday, you and Chris DiMarco, you guys seemed to be laughing a lot and you guys have a lot of fun. Is that something that turns off as the tournament begins? Is it more of the practice rounds or do you like to chat with certain players when you play?
VIJAY SINGH: Well, during tournaments I don't like to chat. But it's practice round. You don't really worry about what's going on. You can't be that focused for six days in a row. You have to, you know, turn on and off. So practice rounds a practice round.

Q. Vijay, just finished the Pro-Am. I know the guys loved playing with you. As a pro, what do you get out of it?
VIJAY SINGH: You learn to, you know, you get to meet three four new guys and hopefully you make a relationship with them. But, otherwise, for me it's going out there and looking at the golf course and learning more about the golf course, and possibly and learning more about the golf course, and helping the team possibly win the best.

Q. (Inaudible).
VIJAY SINGH: Not really, they won their own game.

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