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July 7, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Rafael Nadal. Questions, please.

Q. How lucky for you with the match with Roger tomorrow to have a short game for a change.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I'm sorry for him. Is tough. In semifinals, playing good tennis, winning a match like yesterday, and today have to retire, no? That's tough for everyone. So I am sorry for him, first of all.
Well, I start the match playing bad, playing very bad today. But, well, was -- I don't know today, but I was practicing before the warmup bad, too. I arrive to the match without the best confidence because I touch the ball bad in the warmup.
After when the match is coming, I feel improving a little bit, improving and improving. Well, he has his problem. But, anyway, I touch the ball so much better, especially after first set, some games in the second.
End of the second, I start to feeling better the ball.

Q. Do you feel fresh going into the final?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, not bad, no? I play two tough matches five sets. The other ones I won in three sets. Well, today three sets, too. Anyway, I lose the set. But I just play three sets.
Yes, I arrive good physically for tomorrow.

Q. What's different about you now for this match against Roger than last year at this time?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I don't know, no? Lot of things change, no? Is another year. Well, this year I am playing so much better than last year, no?
Sure, for all the season I am playing so much better. Sure, he's the favorite. No one have any doubt about this. But I going to try my best, no? Try to continuing playing my aggressive tennis and try to go to the court believing in the victory.

Q. After the first set where he beat you while he was fully fit, were you in danger in your own mind of going out today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, the match is long, no? Is just the first set.
But, sure, I wasn't feel the ball very well in the first set. Anyway, I have good chances in the first game for have the break. So if I have the break in the first game, you know, change lot of things. But he serve well in every point.
Yes, later was important in the first game of second set, second game, I have the break. That's decisive in the match of today maybe because I get confidence there.
I start to playing with a little bit more calm, try to move him a little bit more with my forehand. That's very important.

Q. And Hawk-Eye helped you to make that decisive break.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I continuing think that's not working very well because the next ball Djokovic ask me the Hawk-Eye, and Hawk-Eye say the ball touching, but in my opinion this ball was out.
I don't know my ball because I can't see from my place to the ball, no, in that game that Hawk-Eye help me. But the next game, Hawk-Eye help him, and that ball was out.

Q. You said the Hawk-Eye was not working very well today. Do you feel it's worked well over the whole tournament or just today's match?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think the Hawk-Eye have mistakes sometimes. I am sure about that. I am.

Q. Does that worry you to then use it then?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, for me doesn't matter because I understand that's better for the show, yeah. I know doesn't matter because is for both.

Q. Do you have the same feeling as last year coming into the final with Federer? Is it a de'ja vu feeling?
RAFAEL NADAL: One more year of experience, no, and one more year of important matches in my career, repeating the title in Roland Garros, playing quarterfinals in Australia, winning Monte-Carlo, Barcelona, Rome, final in Hamburg. So that's important for continuing.

Q. The fact that Federer hasn't played for five days and you played over five days.
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, that doesn't matter, no? Going to be a good final. Well, I going to have a very difficult match tomorrow, but I going to try my best.

Q. How are you going to prepare now? What will you do between now and the match to prepare yourself for tomorrow?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, when I finish the press conference maybe I going to practice 15, 20 minutes, just touching a little bit the ball.
Later, go to lunch at home maybe. That's it. Be with calm in the house.

Q. The foot problem you had in Indian Wells and Miami, has that now completely gone, or do you feel it on the grass?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, the grass is a little bit less aggressive than hard, so that's better for my foot. And the clay, too. So for the last month I play on clay.
For me is difficult, very difficult, the change of surfaces, the fast change, especially clay to hard because is aggressive change.
But, well, for good luck for the last months I feel just a little bit pain some day, but not all the time.

Q. Roger said yesterday the players critical of The Championships for not playing on the middle Sunday were wrong. What do you think of that?
RAFAEL NADAL: (Speaking in Spanish.)
THE INTERPRETER: No, I'm not criticizing. I totally support and understand the traditions of the tournament. Maybe Roger was in a different position because he had already qualified, and the rest of the players were behind in the schedule.
Maybe this year they could have made an exception, but I'm not criticizing.

Q. Can you describe why Roger is so much more difficult on grass and you're so much more difficult on clay? What's the big difference when you face him on grass versus clay?
RAFAEL NADAL: Maybe all. All difference, no? Is so much different tennis.
Well, in grass I have a good performance, too, the last two years. But on clay I have more time for prepare my shots, for try to do my game, and is a little bit easier for me.

Q. What makes him so difficult on grass?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, he has a very complete game. He's a very complete player. He has all shots. He control very well the speed of the ball here. (Speaking in Spanish.)
THE INTERPRETER: It looks like he always has time to get to the ball.
RAFAEL NADAL: So that's very important.

Q. When did you discover that Novak had a problem? When the trainer came on or before that?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, for me, when I come to the match, just be focused and try to fight every point because I know if the match is long, I have advantage, no?
I play tough matches, too, but he play five hours yesterday. That's tough for everyone. I have more chances for win if the match gonna be four or five sets.

Q. When you lost the final last year, what did you feel you needed to do with your game to stand a better chance this year?
RAFAEL NADAL: Anyway, I know I have to improve. Anyway, if I was winning the final last year, if I lose for sure, too, I have to improve lot of things for continuing be in the top positions.
And if I want to win here any day, I need to continuing improving my serve, my volley, my slice, my aggressive game, everything.
Anyway, I play two finals. That's very good. But, well, I will see tomorrow. But I have to improve. I just have 21 years old one month ago.

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