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July 6, 2007

Vijay Singh


Q. What was the difference between today and yesterday?
VIJAY SINGH: Didn't get close to the holes. I didn't drive the ball very well. Yesterday I drove it beautifully. Didn't make any putts. That's the thing, you've got to make your putts to score and I didn't do that.

Q. Last two days I followed you, you're swinging at it great. Do you sense that, that the swing is back?
VIJAY SINGH: Well, it's been there, just getting it together. Getting the timing right, and feeling the momentum, and I did not have any today. It was just a lot of pars and just I missed the green with a bogey.
I like my position, two days to go and anything can happen.

Q. Even still, only four back, heading into Saturday, that's pretty good position to be in?
VIJAY SINGH: Yeah, I think so. With this golf course, even five, six, seven back is not an issue going into the weekend.
So a lot of pressure on the leaders, I'm just going to go out and play my game and see if I can catch them.

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