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June 26, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Rafael Nadal.

Q. Do you think you're in the kind of form that you can go all the way this year?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, happy for win the first match. Sure that's just the first match, no? I play very, very, very good today.
I think I feel very comfortable on court, so very happy about my game today. But is just the first round.

Q. Since your defeat at Queen's, what did you do in the time off to improve your game in time for Wimbledon?
RAFAEL NADAL: Just I was in Mallorca few days for rest little bit. Yeah, a little later I come back to London here, Wednesday morning, practice every day.

Q. You're staying in a rented house this year nearby. Does that help your preparation? Can you relax better in that environment?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, is better especially if the day was like was three days ago, two days ago. If raining, it is so much better. If the weather is not okay you can go at home, watching film, cooking. I like to cook. So little bit distraction.
So, yes, I feel very, very good here one minute away from here. I'm with a good friend, Feliciano López, with his team and my team. We are maybe eight. That's good. Very happy for be in the same house than last year. Is always easier.

Q. What sort of things do you cook?
RAFAEL NADAL: Pasta, everything, everything.

Q. Cakes?
RAFAEL NADAL: What's "cakes"? Yes, because was the birthday of Albert Costa. We cooked for the happy birthday.

Q. How did you feel on the Centre Court in the new surrounding?
RAFAEL NADAL: Different little bit. Well, I prefer with the cover. Is nicer. This is strange. But this is okay.

Q. How did you like the conditions? Cooler than Mallorca.
RAFAEL NADAL: I prefer the sun, the hot, everything. But the moment right now we have cold, wind and rain. We have to adapt.

Q. Is it difficult to adapt to these conditions?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, it's not very difficult, no. Especially for us is -- especially for us, the Spaniards, Latin players, is better with the sun like last year. The ball, you can feel a little bit more the ball. With the sun, is a little bit slower, the ball is getting a little bit more topspin than like this.

Q. Do you think the grass is the same as last year?
RAFAEL NADAL: The grass don't change. Always is grass.

Q. In the spring in the States, you spoke your season goal is to get to the Masters and you would probably change your goal if you play on clay as good as the years before. Have you changed your goals now for the season?
RAFAEL NADAL: Sure, I change. In the Masters, I am inside right now, no? Now is try to be in the -- continue being No. 2 at the moment.

Q. Did you watch any of the Moya/Henman game? Did you talk afterwards?
RAFAEL NADAL: I couldn't talk. I just go on the court. I just say bad luck to him. He say me good luck.
Was tough match, very tough. Lose like this is not easy.

Q. Was your match today the most comfortable you've ever felt on grass? Do you feel you've adapted fully now?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I feel very good today. I return very well. Just one moment in the third set I was serving little bit worst. That's normal. Need improve a little bit that. Need improve a little bit the second serve.
But the rest, playing from the baseline was very, very good. Very good forehands. Running good. Feeling good.

Q. Carlos Moya was playing very good on grass. Have you been practicing with him? Did you give him any ideas or tips?
RAFAEL NADAL: I can't say nothing to Carlos, no? He has more experience than me. Anyway, he has more Wimbledons than me, no? I practice there in Hurlingham. We have a match. Yes, he's not playing bad. He's not playing bad right now. He never play bad on grass because he has very good serve, good forehand, not bad volley.
But the problem is sometimes the clay season and the grass season is so close. Is not easy, no?

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