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May 27, 2007

Craig Stadler


Q. Talk about the course, I mean it screwed up a lot of people.
CRAIG STADLER: Yeah. I'm playing well. I just can't get anything out of it.

Q. (Inaudible.)
CRAIG STADLER: The course is playable. You just got to avoid some certain spots. But you can't afford to butcher it coming in like I did every day. So. I did it yesterday, did it the day before, did it today.

Q. The 2012 PGA Championship is coming here in 2012. What do they need to change?
CRAIG STADLER: With the young guys here they definitely need to rework these bunkers or whatever they call them around the greens.
15 and 17 are horrible by the green. It's like hitting it out of this brick here. Just put a little sand in there, give the guys at least a chance to use their talent and hit a shot rather than just leave it in the bunker or hit it in the water. Those are your options. Or hit it back at the bleachers at 17.
But other than that the greens are, will grow out by August they should be perfect and it's a good hard golf course. No doubt about it.

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