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April 12, 2007

Kevin Na


KEVIN NA: I've kind of struggled starting this year, but I've just been waiting patiently and I think it'll come around.

Q. What did you find today? What worked?
KEVIN NA: Well, I hit it pretty well today. I mean, I did hit a few loose shots out there but putted well. Yesterday I worked with my rep a little bit on some of my clubs and my swing, and he gave me a few quick tips, and that really helped.

Q. Watching you play with Boo today, it's the first time he's played this golf course, you've played it a few times. There is a learning curve at this place.
KEVIN NA: Definitely there is a lot of knowledge that you can take advantage of, and I did a few of those today.

Q. Just a couple highlights from the round. Is this the kind of round that kind of jump starts you? You had mentioned you've gotten off to a little bit of a rough start this year.
KEVIN NA: Well, you know, I've been working on my game a lot, and I've only played six events. We've got a long year ahead of us. You just can't get impatient. You've got to stay patient, and you're going to have your weeks. You've just got to stay patient and wait for it. I played pretty solid. I left a lot of shots out there, especially on the back nine. I shot even par, but I felt like I should have been a couple under on the back. I'm pretty pleased with the round. I think it's going to play pretty tough in the afternoon, though.

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