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April 8, 2007

Bob Bryan


THE MODERATOR: Questions for Bob.

Q. Your overall experience at your Davis Cup match? Largest crowd since the early '90s here in the U.S. What was the experience like for you?
BOB BRYAN: It was a blast. It was a thrill to play in front of that many people. You know, second or third biggest crowd we've ever played in front of. We all love Winston-Salem. If we make it to the finals, it's an issue, you want to maybe get it back here. This is a great place. The crowds are really vocal. They're good tennis fans. They're smart.
They really root for the U.S. It feels like they're really patriotic. If we make the finals, we're going to push to get it back here.

Q. Even today when you had already won, did you feel that support? Most of the people that had tickets still showed up. Did you feel the atmosphere even though you guys already had it in the bag?
BOB BRYAN: Yeah, it felt good. I mean, it was fun to play some singles. Wasn't really a lot of pressure out there for me. I really had nothing to lose. I was just having fun. It felt good having the match in the bag. I was just letting my shots go. I hit some good ones. I feel good about my performance. Didn't get cleaned out.

Q. Condolences on the unblemished record with the one loss. More singles in your future maybe?
BOB BRYAN: You know, I'll play all the dead rubbers when I have to.
You know, Mike and I are going back and forth. I wanted to put him out there. I'm like, I'm undefeated. I didn't want to put that blemish on the record.

Q. How did that go down last night between you and Mike? Was it a flip of a coin?
BOB BRYAN: I don't know. He called my parents, talked to them for like 45 minutes, then he gave me the phone. He's like, They said you're playing. I'm like, Geez.
I talked to them. They're like, You got the serve. You can hold maybe a little more. Really had no say in the matter. Three against one (laughter).

Q. Could you comment a bit on Donald Young as a practice partner. What were your impressions of him?
BOB BRYAN: I'm really impressed with Donald. Give the kid two years, he'll be top 50. He's got the hands, great racquet head speed, he's quick. He's like Querrey where he doesn't think he's great, he's willing to learn, and he has that kind of quiet confidence.
The kid's a really nice kid. We're going to help him out as much as we can, try to get him back on the squad. I think he learned a lot this week. He's got all the tools. He just maybe needs to pull the trigger a little more. When these guys get inside the baseline, they can hit the winner. I think he can. I just think he needs to do it a little more often.

Q. Was playing Robredo today kind of -- did you kind of relish that, not playing singles very much?
BOB BRYAN: I was actually happy to see that Robredo was playing. I knew the guy's a top 10 player. Who knows when I'm ever going to play a top 10 player again. It was a thrill for me. It was fun to play in front of that many people.
They thought I was going to win. They were cheering for me (laughter). I was like, Geeze, I'm bluffing this pretty good.
But, yeah, it was awesome. It was awesome.

Q. You seem incapable of not putting out a full effort on the court. You're diving for balls.

Q. Is it hard to scale back the volume when you play all the time at your level?
BOB BRYAN: They were telling me, Don't run for every ball because you want to keep your legs. I don't have the cardio of a singles player right now. They're saying, Don't get jerked around too much. It's just in my nature to run for every ball and give it 110%. Even if it's going to kill me for the next point, I'll leave it all out there.

Q. How does it feel to be out on the court without your brother? The two of you are so closely associated. Does it feel nice to be an individual?
BOB BRYAN: Yeah, I've always had more fun playing doubles. It's weird to be out there by yourself, not have someone to go talk to or strategize with. It's a little strange. It's a little uncomfortable actually.
Even if I did win today, I don't have anyone to share it with. The team's happy for me. But when I'm 2-0, I'm 2-0 in Davis Cup before this match, and Mike doesn't really care. We're not talking about those matches. We're talking about the doubles wins.

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