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January 22, 2007

Daniela Hantuchova


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Such a difference between the first and second sets.
DANIELA HANTUCHOVA: Yeah, definitely. I felt like the second set was a proper match. I thought I had my chances there, felt like it was a great fight at the end.
Yeah, she was just too good. She's playing incredible tennis right now. She deserved to win. But I felt like I was right in there with her at the end of the second set.

Q. The first set, just slow to get into it?
DANIELA HANTUCHOVA: Yeah, I mean, she was just dominating. In every department she was better. She was just not missing any balls. She doesn't give you anything. So it's tough to win points against her. If she keeps playing like that, for sure she can win the whole thing here.

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