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January 16, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: First question, please.

Q. A good start to the tournament given the conditions today, a lot of seeds having troubles. What are your thoughts on your match?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, was a little bit different feeling because is indoor court, so that's little bit change. But, well, I'm happy, no? Is a good start for me. I have a very difficult first set. I have my chance, some break points in the first. I don't know, one breakpoint. Maybe more than one.
After I had set point down with 6-5. So, well, was important for me win the first tiebreak. After, the match change a little bit. Was easy after.

Q. Had no problems with the conditions?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. That's fine, no? Is unbelievable hot outside (smiling). I prefer play without indoor, but that's it. That's fine. Most important thing is I won today. Always is very difficult to start one tournament.

Q. There's been talk that the court might be a bit faster this year. Did you find it faster than when you were here two years ago?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't remember (smiling). The ball is different. That's sure. That's important.

Q. Does that suit you or not? Is it good for you or not?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I going to tell you after the tournament.
Well, the topspin is not the same like the last ball. But, well, that's the ball, and I need play my best with this one.

Q. You feel the ball is faster than the other one?
RAFAEL NADAL: Is not going up. Still a little bit more down. The first moments, the first hits to the ball, it's going up. But after, when you play two, three games, the ball is like this, very big.

Q. Does this mean you don't have enough opportunities to practice with similar balls?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, yeah. Always you have the opportunity to practice with these balls at home. But the ball change a lot with the weather, with the conditions. It's changing a lot. If I practice with these balls in Mallorca right now with cold, all change down here.

Q. What about your injury from last week? Is that all gone now?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't feel nothing, so I am hundred percent fine. That's fine. Thank you.

Q. Do you feel a hundred percent comfortable with your shorts you wear? Have you ever thought about changing them?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I feel hundred percent fine, yeah.

Q. If you compare with the match against the same opponent in Wimbledon, what was better today? The conditions are better for you? He played less well? You played better?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, is a little bit slower, so that's a little bit easier for me because with the serve I have more chances always in the return.
I don't remember. I don't think if I play -- I don't think I playing worse today than Wimbledon, no? Wimbledon was a great match, very complete match, very difficult. Today the conditions is a little bit better for me.
But I play not my best match. I play serious match today, so that's enough.

Q. Would this be a good surface to play Roger on for you?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, for play Roger, I need win - I don't know - five more matches. So that's a lot.

Q. Let's say if you do. Does Rebound Ace help you or not?
RAFAEL NADAL: If I am playing good, I can play all surfaces fine, no? I play the final on Wimbledon, the faster place in the world. If I am playing good, I can play good in all places. But if I am playing bad, I can play bad in all places, too (laughter).

Q. There was some talk about the heat rule. Some players had to play in the heat, some others didn't play, some like you played indoors. Do you feel it's fair in a Grand Slam tournament that players play in different conditions?
RAFAEL NADAL: With one day in the middle, maybe don't affect nothing, no? If you play tomorrow, and tomorrow I play indoor, one play outside, so.... Sometimes if the match is very hard, very tough, can affect a little bit. But now like this, maybe doesn't matter, no?
I prefer play outside, so....

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