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January 14, 2007

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How are you feeling? How is your injury?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, well, I feeling fine, no? I am practicing here hundred percent, so I don't have any problem. I feel hundred percent perfect.

Q. Is that a relief? Were you worried?

Q. How worried were you about the injury when it happened?
RAFAEL NADAL: Well, not much, no? Because I think was not important injury, no? I arrive to Sydney, it was very late the day before. When I go out of the plane, I have very, very hard the muscle. So I was thinking just is very tired, no injury. But I asked to the physio of the ATP on court, when I come on court, and he tell me is better if you stop because if you continuing, is possible is going to be important injury, no?

Q. So you've got no worries about how your preparation has been?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. I am fine.

Q. At last year's US Open you talked about Australian Open being your special goal for this season. Could you talk a little bit about that.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, well, I wasn't here last year. Is one of my favorite tournaments in the year, no? Is special tournament here, special atmosphere.
When I came here two years ago, three years ago, I always play my best tennis here, very nice matches on center court, two times against Lleyton and one time against Youzhny. So I feel good here. I want to play good here.
But that's not the final goal of the season. The season is just a start. I want to play good here. But if not, is a lot of season remaining for trying playing my best.

Q. You talked about working on your serve on the break, your aggression.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I have some changes on my serve. The rest of the game, I need play the same like last years, no? Because I was playing well, I was playing good. Just trying to improve little bit my forehand winner and a little bit the volley, everything, some points of some shots, some aggressive shots. But the rest, I need continue with the same game, no?

Q. Do you feel like you need to end points quicker to save your body?
RAFAEL NADAL: Is not for save the body, no, because I just have 20 years old. The tennis always is difficult. You need improve for try to be in the top players of the world, no?

Q. How do you see your rivalry with Federer? Do you feel the work you've done over the break will help close the gap between you two?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I don't think nothing, no? I just think to arrive here, try to play my best tennis here. But for play Federer, always the same. I need be in the final. For win the final, I need play very, very, very good tennis before. I just think about the first round right now. If I win the first, we will see the second.
But no more than this, no? Every match and every player is difficult.

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