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January 9, 2007

Amelie Mauresmo


THE MODERATOR: Okay, let's begin.

Q. French tennis seems to be in good hands, doesn't it?
AMELIE MAURESMO: Yeah, she gave me a lot of trouble and had some opportunities maybe to win the match, although I think we both didn't play our best level, first match for me, I think only second -- I don't think she played a tournament last week, so only second one more her, I think so, so still looking for some rhythm, looking for some, you know, quickness around the court and also tactically a few things here and there to adapt, to adjust.
But it's the kind of match that is good for you. You can only get better, and it's good for the confidence. Physically I seemed to be all right in the third set, so a few positive things and a few things to keep working on.

Q. You lost first round here last year, didn't you, your opening game?

Q. Does that tell you anything now that you've got through to this round?
AMELIE MAURESMO: Not really. It wouldn't have been a disaster to lose because obviously that's what I did last year. I prefer to have another match to play tomorrow, and I think that's better for me because obviously a few things really to work on the game.

Q. The rhythm thing, what other things?
AMELIE MAURESMO: Rhythm, I think quickness around the court. The eye, also, when it was a bit late or whatever.

Q. Jankovic has got some good form at the moment. How do you see that match?
AMELIE MAURESMO: She had a great end of the season last year and seems to be playing well. I'm expecting a tough one. When you look at the draw, you can only expect a tough match right now. You know, nothing really special. I'm going to try to, again, focus on trying to be a little bit better than today, try to move a little bit better, try to take a little bit more of the opportunities I might have and really not be stressed out or whatever about the match.

Q. Jelena has taken her game to the next level in the last few months. Do you see her as a legitimate chance of winning the Aussie Open? Is she at that level yet?
AMELIE MAURESMO: She could be. I don't know if she's there yet, but she's obviously getting closer. Is she a big contender for now? You know, why not? She played the semifinal at the US Open, almost made the final by leading one set and breaking against Justine, so she's playing some tough tennis.

Q. Do you think that experience from the US Open where she had that opportunity to go into the final will help her if she gets that far again?
AMELIE MAURESMO: I think if she thought about it and really took a lesson a little bit from that, yeah, it gives you experience, that's for sure.

Q. You have been in the situation of the pressure on your shoulders to get a Grand Slam and now you've got it. Do you think that the pressure to defend a Grand Slam will be better or worse do you suppose?
AMELIE MAURESMO: I don't know. I don't think so. The worst pressure was for me to win the Grand Slam. That was really what was in my mind for years and years. Now I think I'm more relaxed about it.

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