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December 2, 2006

Agustin Calleri

Alberto Mancini

David Nalbandian


THE MODERATOR: We'll start with the press conference with the Argentinian doubles team and captain.

Q. David, you played such great tennis yesterday. Today was not the case. Why did the level drop? Any particular reason for not playing as well as yesterday?
DAVID NALBANDIAN: You never know. I think I didn't feel as well as yesterday. But that's the sport.

Q. David Nalbandian, have you played before with Calleri?
DAVID NALBANDIAN: Yeah, many times.

Q. Captain Mancini, how do you think today's defeat will complicate the situation of the Argentinian team?
CAPTAIN MANCINI: Well, obviously we're 2-1 down. We need to come back tomorrow.
But I think we have -- we still have good chances. Two tough matches, but we still feel we have a chance.

Q. How unexpected was the substitution of Youzhny by Safin?
CAPTAIN MANCINI: Well, yesterday he was telling here in the press conference that he wanted to get into the doubles. We knew that yesterday. We expected it. We knew it could happen.

Q. David Nalbandian, yesterday you played great. Today was just the other way around. You played a worse match. Can we say you kind of burned down emotionally?
DAVID NALBANDIAN: No. I just answered that question.

Q. There was only one time in the history of Davis Cup ties when the team who lost the doubles match won. It was in 2002 in Bercy when the Russians beat the French. After losing the doubles match, Marat Safin went to a nightclub. Maybe David Nalbandian has the same plan, to visit a nightclub tonight.

Q. Captain Mancini, do you expect Russia to bring any more surprises tomorrow, any substitutions maybe for the first match? Are you going to concentrate on your team?
CAPTAIN MANCINI: No, I don't think there's going to be a substitution. I don't think. We have to think for our team and decide the best option and then whatever happens.

Q. David Nalbandian, you played Safin yesterday. You also played him today. What would you say about today's game of Marat Safin in the doubles?
DAVID NALBANDIAN: He played very good. He served very good. Both played a great match.

Q. Players, in terms of technical elements, like serve or return, what worked, what didn't work in today's match? What didn't work in terms of the serve, the return or the volley?
DAVID NALBANDIAN: I think not many things, but one thing comes to another. In the beginning, we couldn't make any return. We didn't play many points when they served. Maybe they got out a little of confidence on the match. Then I didn't serve very good in the beginning, so it was tough.

Q. Calleri, what do you think about the surface of the court? It's the first time you stepped out on the court.
AGUSTIN CALLERI: The court was fine. I trained there all week. I felt comfortable on the court.

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