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August 14, 1999

Dorothy Delasin


RHONDA GLENN: Dorothy Delasin, what does this moment mean to you?


RHONDA GLENN: Everything?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Yeah. It doesn't get any better than this. This is like winning the Lotto. I'm just happy. I can't explain it. You've just got to trust me on that.

Q. Jimin said she asked you for putting lessons out there. You didn't miss any putts all day. Tell us about your putting out there.

DOROTHY DELASIN: I did miss some. I felt really confident with my putting. I had like a no-fear attitude. But when it came to downhill putts, I was like: Yeah, right.

Q. Had you been that way all week or just today, this morning, you decided?

DOROTHY DELASIN: I think my last matches I've been doing it. Qualifying round, my first round wasn't that aggressive. I just wanted to 2-putt everything. Now I'm just going for the hole.

Q. After you shot 31 on the front side, how confident were you that you could close the deal?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Actually, I wasn't that confident, because I know Jimin is a really good player. She can get me any time. I guess she was just waiting for an opportunity for me to blow up somehow, and I'm glad I didn't.

Q. She played good on the front, too.

DOROTHY DELASIN: Yeah. She shot -- I know she shot a couple under.

Q. 2-under.

RHONDA GLENN: You were 7-under par today. To our best knowledge, no one has ever played that well in the final at the Women's Amateur. That's the lowest score that's ever been shot. What's your reaction?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Lucky, I guess. I didn't know that.

RHONDA GLENN: We know for a fact no one has ever shot 67 in the final of the Women's Amateur.

DOROTHY DELASIN: Oh, really? I guess because it was Jimin. She made me play -- she made me do -- that didn't come out right. Well, I had to do what I had to do.

Q. What was the score when you beat her the last time?


Q. Does this change any plans for what you're going to do in the immediate future?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Still haven't decided. I have to talk to USGA people and my parents when I get back tonight. I don't think I'm going to sleep.

Q. How about that bear hug Sonny gave you on the 15th?

DOROTHY DELASIN: I didn't know he was going to do that. I thought he was just going to give me a high-five.

RHONDA GLENN: He wasn't there when you won the Junior, was he?

DOROTHY DELASIN: I was there by myself.

Q. How does that compare with having him here and caddying for you?

DOROTHY DELASIN: It's pretty much the same. Having him here is just like, you know, sharing it; sharing the moment.

Q. Were you surprised at how emotional you were when you won?

DOROTHY DELASIN: I tried not to cry. It just came out worse. (Laughter.)

Q. How tired did you get?

DOROTHY DELASIN: I got pretty tired. At the end, everything just came out: Tired, happiness -- everything.

Q. What made you decide to wear your long pants today?

DOROTHY DELASIN: I thought I was going to go for the Dorothy Delasin look. (Laughter.)

Q. You get into the next two Opens, and then there's a strong possibility you will be on the Curtis Cup team. How significant of factors are those in your decision to stay an amateur or turn pro?

DOROTHY DELASIN: I don't know.

RHONDA GLENN: There has never been a Women's Amateur Champion who has not made a Curtis Cup team. Every Women's Amateur champion who has not turned professional has been a member of the Curtis Cup team, and also of the Women's All-World Amateur Team, which plays in Germany next summer.

DOROTHY DELASIN: I've got an aunt in Germany. So I've got to talk to my parents.

Q. Are you going to leave this tournament a more confident golfer?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Yeah. This is definitely going to help me build more confidence in my game. I think I matured a little more.

Q. You probably knew you were good. But now, you have to see yourself as one of the best amateurs in the country. How does that make you feel?

DOROTHY DELASIN: I think I got really lucky in this tournament.

RHONDA GLENN: How so? Why do you think you got lucky, or how did you get lucky?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Because there's so many great players out here. I didn't expect to come this far. I mean, two years ago it was just like, you know, third round, first round. I was like: All right, I'll try next year. And it's just luck. I had a lot of big breaks out there. I think luck comes with it.

Q. Had you been playing well coming in? Did you have a sense that this kind of play was about to happen?

DOROTHY DELASIN: No. I didn't expect to shoot this -- you know, play this good in the end. I mean, my practice rounds were just like 1-over, even par. I was like: Uh-oh, I'm in trouble. Because a lot of people are shooting under. And I guess, as the week went by, I just got into a groove if I play better.

Q. What was the strong point the whole week in your game?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Probably my irons and putting. I hit a lot of greens. I had a couple of chunk shots, but I saved them.

Q. Any hole that was the turning point today, you think, if you had to look back on anything?

DOROTHY DELASIN: No. I just kept on going good. Match Play, anything can happen. You can be 4-up and then go through the 18th hole and lose on the extra holes or something.

Q. 16 and 17 in the morning, though, was a pretty good swing. She's in close at 16 and misses the putt, and then you knock it stiff at 17, and you very easily could have gone to lunch all square.

DOROTHY DELASIN: Yeah, that was a big part of the game today, those two holes. She was -- she missed her putt on 16, and I had this -- I don't know. I don't know how far it was, but it was pretty long to me, and I made it. And I was like: Okay, I can do this. And I just kept going. I didn't turn back. I mean, if she'd win a hole, I'd try to win the next one. Just try to get back what I'd lost.

Q. What was it about this golf course that seemed to fit with your game?

DOROTHY DELASIN: I think because most of the holes were dogleg-left, and I've played most of my drives to hook. And then I think that was it.

Q. But a good amount of length, which also was the case at South Dakota.

DOROTHY DELASIN: Really? I don't know. Grace was really beating me on that one.

Q. But as far as your game is concerned, it was the kind of course that you could just play said steadily.

DOROTHY DELASIN: Yeah, like what I said before. Ball on the fairway. Ball on the green. Ball in the hole.

Q. So who is going to make the decision on turning pro, you? Your mom? Your dad?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Combination of all three of us.

Q. What do you want to do?

DOROTHY DELASIN: I don't know. I want to do both. Laughter.

Q. When you came here this week, you seemed to be leaning towards turning professional; is that correct?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Win or lose. I thought I was going to lose. I was like: I'll just turn pro.

Q. Where is that going to go?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Right above my bed. I've got the Junior right next; so, I'm going to putt it right next to it.

Q. Do they know you have that? Just kidding.

DOROTHY DELASIN: Oh, yeah. And I can put the trophy right next to it.

Q. Where is wherein the house did the Junior trophy stay?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Right next to my bed.

Q. And you've got the flag from the Junior?

DOROTHY DELASIN: Which is the 14th? And right now, it's right on top of my bed on the wall, and this one is going to go right next to it.

RHONDA GLENN: Amongst people who have won this championship are Babe Zaharias, Patty Berg, and some of the greatest names in the history of the game won this championship. None of those three also won the Girls' Junior and now your name is on that trophy with so many of the great players of the game. How does that make you feel?

DOROTHY DELASIN: I feel honored to put my name with the great players of all time. And it's just an honor. I didn't expect to put my name there; and I did, and it's just unbelievable.

RHONDA GLENN: Dorothy, thank you so much. Congratulations.

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