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May 25, 2006

Boris Diaw

DALLAS, TEXAS: Practice Day

BORIS DIAW: Go out there and play anyway.
Q. How much can you take -- you can come in. How much do you take from last night, what you did and what you were able to accomplish in the post? You personally, how much do you take from Game 1 to Game 2?
BORIS DIAW: It's going to be a whole different game, I think. Game 1, just (inaudible) shooters. Wasn't played, three-point shooter and that would be true because NBA three-point shooting, so they didn't want to help that much. (Inaudible).
Q. Do you feel like --
Q. Do you feel as though you can score at will against the Mavericks?
BORIS DIAW: No, I don't think so. Like I said, you know, we just have layups because they stay home shooters. And they didn't help that much. So we have the ball inside. If it's one-on-one and one and zero because they was there to give up too many three-point shots.
Q. What was this game like for you? You probably always knew you could do this but to do it on that kind of stage?
BORIS DIAW: You know, it was the (inaudible) of the game. I don't think I did something professionally, just they switched and I was playing against a smaller guy, and they didn't want to (inaudible). He was right there. Ready to play three. Raja was on the weak side. Barbosa, all kinds of shooters.
Q. Do you think they should (inaudible) to you?
BORIS DIAW: No, I don't think so.
Q. I'm looking at what Steve's able to do against the Mavericks. I mean, I look at the Mavericks and they pride themselves on defense but they weren't able to contain much what you guys were doing?
BORIS DIAW: Yeah. And they were (inaudible) because they pick-and-roll. And show up and cover. And they always give us a plus. (Inaudible) and play against a bigger guy one-on-one or lower post with a smaller guy.
Q. Boris, your transformation, you don't feel soft, okay. What has happened with you, I guess just the opportunity to play all the (inaudible) as opposed to what you were last year?
BORIS DIAW: Yeah, there's different teams. This season has been very good for me because of my teammates and all the coaching staff and all the confidence they give to me and the way we play.
We play a different kind of game.
Q. You know last year you probably could have walked through any mall in America, maybe except in Atlanta, and people -- who is Boris Diaw? That's changed now?
BORIS DIAW: I don't know. I don't walk in malls a lot.
Q. Or the streets. Anywhere. But obviously people know who you are now as opposed to --
BORIS DIAW: Especially in Phoenix and Arizona.
Q. If I walk in a mall, I ask, who is Boris Diaw, do you expect they'll know who you are?
BORIS DIAW: Not everybody. Just people watching basketball.

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