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May 27, 2006

James Posey


Q. Why were you so effective, you guys collectively, against Tayshaun?
JAMES POSEY: I think everybody took it upon themselves just to sort of contain their man and do the right thing within the defensive game plan. He had a big game in Game 2, and we just wanted to make it tough for him. It's tough when he's going back on Chauncey and Rip is going big, too, you try to eliminate say one of the three, or you try to if possible eliminate two of the three. That's just something that worked for us tonight.
Q. Did Pat say anything to you in the locker room about tonight?
JAMES POSEY: He said we could do better, and we have to watch the tape and come in tomorrow and have a good practice and tweak things for the most part and get ready for Monday.
Q. How important is Monday?
JAMES POSEY: It's very important. You want to win, you want to build on what you did tonight. That's what we're going to try to do and take advantage of being at home. That's the point.
Q. Take us back to the second quarter. How were you able to create such a gap?
JAMES POSEY: It's just that effort for the most part, I think, and everybody being on the same page, taking that challenge and contesting every shot, rebounding, deflections, steals and just executing on the offensive end. We just were able to do both things tonight well.
Q. I'm sure you all expected some surge from the 11-0 push at the beginning of the fourth quarter:
JAMES POSEY: We couldn't get stops and we couldn't score for the most part, so time-out and just kept our cool for the most part, and came back out there and got a bucket. Then we just fed off that energy right there on the defensive end and they were rebounding, contesting shots, getting on the ball and just being real active.
Q. (Inaudible).
JAMES POSEY: Yeah, that's what it was, that spark right there. It just kicked in on the defensive end and he just was able to take off from there.
Q. What's the best way to describe how you feel halfway done with a part of the goal? You all say it's not just getting by this process, but you've got to feel good about being here at this point.
JAMES POSEY: You just take it one game at a time. We know if we continue to play like we did tonight and even better, we'll put ourselves in a good situation. We're not going to get too high off anything, we're not going to get too low. We just have to maintain a steady head and continue to work hard.
Q. Does Game 2 end up being almost a blessing in disguise in that you know what not to do coming out on the floor on Monday?
JAMES POSEY: I mean, even just the start of the playoffs has been a roller coaster for us. We know we have to be more consistent with it and we have to come ready to play every night. If we want to get this done, that's what we have to do.

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