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May 24, 2006

James Posey


Q. Does it bother you that you might be getting a reputation or that that's what people think, little tough guy, he's not going to hurt anyone?
JAMES POSEY: All of a sudden in the past year I'm this tough guy, a violent person or player or something like that. The game has changed a little bit. Even some of the players said that wasn't a bad foul at all.
Q. You try to relax in between games, between Chicago and Game 1 against New Jersey. Is that a concern as you go into this next game?
JAMES POSEY: We have no time to relax. You just have to go with our game plan and just keep on playing hard and take it one game at a time.
Q. Detroit missed a lot of open shots that maybe you guys wouldn't have missed. Talk about your perimeter defense.
JAMES POSEY: It was fine. For the most part we did a good job, but we have to do a better job and continue to get better.
Q. Were you guys at all insulted by the kind of convenient notion that Detroit has a team and Miami has Shaquille and Wade. Do you think you guys are underappreciated as a team?
JAMES POSEY: I mean, we've been hearing it for so long. I mean, that's with every team for the most part. There may be one or two players or stars they have on the team, but this team here, everyone is a star, they play well together.

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