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June 17, 2006
MIAMI, FLORIDA: Practice Day
Q. Just wanted your initial reaction when you heard that Jerry would be out for this game?
JASON TERRY: Well, we're definitely disappointed. Stack is our emotional, spiritual leader on and off the floor. We're going to miss him a lot. We've been in this situation before. You know, myself in the San Antonio series, Mbenga in the Phoenix series. It seems like every series we've faced adverse situations. We've always banded together and fought back harder.
Was it warranted? I don't think so. You watch the play in realtime, you realize Shaq is 350, Stackhouse is 200 something, they are going full speed, there was going to be a collision. It wasn't malicious intent. For somebody to watch the tape, slow-mo it, have eight different angles, it's definitely unjust.
Q. What have been the keys to the momentum swinging so drastically in Miami's favor and what have you done in the last two days to try to get it to swing back your way?
JASON TERRY: Well, obviously they have been the more aggressive team on both ends of the floor. They have out-rebounded us. They have just wanted it more. These last two days, obviously, you've seen what we've done. We've moved from South Beach or downtown Miami to 40 or however many miles away and really focused and tried to make an effort on executing our game plan.
Q. Scale of 1 to 10, where would you put Avery's anger right now? Yesterday he was talking about a vacation mentality, and he seemed pretty upset with your guys' defensive effort and other things.
JASON TERRY: I don't know. I don't know if you can rate it or whatnot. I've seen him more angry than right now. But you know, everybody's a little edgy right now. We're disappointed. We let two opportunities slip away from us. But, you know, we still have to focus in on the task at hand, and that's winning Game 5.
Q. Just wondering, what were the distractions here, was it South Beach, were you guys feeling the good vibes or what were the distractions that he was talking about?
JASON TERRY: Me personally as an individual, you know, I'm very focused. So, you know, I don't know what it is. But then when you watch the tape and you see the mistakes we're making on film, obviously we're not focused in on the task at hand. So, you know, decisions had to be made, and that's the decision we've got to live with. I'm sure it's not going to affect us in any way but positively when we come out for Game 5.
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