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June 15, 2006

James Posey


Q. Is that thing you got in the locker room going to Dallas with you for Game 6?
JAMES POSEY: No, it's going to stay here. It's just a reminder of what we need to get done here and something to stay focused on until we reach our ultimate goal.

Q. How did you think the bench played tonight as a total, and you specifically?
JAMES POSEY: I think everybody did a great job. You know, it was a great team effort. We came in, just very aggressive on the defensive end. I think that opened up some things for us on the offensive end.
You know, it was just big for everybody just to play together and continue to play hard.

Q. When you were on Nowitzki, what were you trying to do with him?
JAMES POSEY: Just coming in, we just want to play him tough. He's a great player. We know he's going to get a lot of shot attempts and things like that. We don't want to get into a comfort zone and let him get into his sweet spots, just make everything work without fouling. I think everybody that guards him does a great job for the most part.

Q. I think Shaq said after, something to the effect after the game that you messed up his highlight on that no-look pass.
JAMES POSEY: Well, the big fella, he had it three feet away from the basket and I was two feet and yeah, did I miss the dunk, but I guess I made my free throws.

Q. Did he say anything to you?
JAMES POSEY: Yeah, he did. He reminded me, he said, "Make me look good." So I apologized to him.

Q. Could you talk a little about what Pat Riley has meant to your team coming back from an 0-2 deficit?
JAMES POSEY: He's been here before, and he's just a constant reminder, when he talks to us, it's like he has the utmost confidence in us; that we just have to continue to take it one game at a time. You look in that huddle, you see the ring on his finger and that's even more motivation to go out there and get it done.
You know, it's just that respect factor that he's been here, he's done it already, and we want to help him do it again.

Q. Let me ask you, do you feel that -- it seemed like in this game in this series, there was a point where emotions are really starting to build up here, as we're getting, I don't want to say bad blood, but something along those lines, but guys are really starting to feel aggressive, did you feel that out there today?
JAMES POSEY: You can look at it for the most part Stackhouse's foul on Shaq, but you know, it's the end of the season right now. You've got to leave everything out there. You can't save anything.
So both teams are going to go at it. Both teams are going to compete really hard. It's just a matter of who wants it the most.

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