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July 1, 2006

Annika Sorenstam


Q. Did you enjoy your round?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Did, yeah. It was a good day. Tough day, I must say. The wind is still blowing quite a bit and the course is still long. Some tougher pins I thought today. I'm happy with my round. I'm going to grab some lunch and get some rest.

Q. Coming in you just had a birdie earlier on the front nine and then bogeys on 6 and 9. I'm sure you're disappointed at that.

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Yeah, but those are tough holes. 6 I'm hitting 4 iron in, and here on 9, I'm hitting 7 wood from the rough and really soggy conditions. It's just a tough golf course. I think there's some holes you're going to make a few bogeys and hopefully you make some birdies along the way to keep the score decent.

Q. Earlier in the round when Natalie was making a bunch of birdies and you're plodding along with pars, were you okay with that or was it difficult to stay in your game when someone else is

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: No, I think I'm pretty good at just minding my own game. This is a 72 hole tournament, and just because somebody is having a good run doesn't affect my game.

I think on the contrary when you see somebody make birdies you know that they're out there so it's more of a positive, I think. For me it was about staying patient, trying to hit the fairway and hit the greens. I've said that 100 times, but I think it's really important at a championship like this, especially when the conditions are the way they are. This is a tough course, a long golf course. You can't really make a lot of mistakes.

Q. Facing 36 holes tomorrow, what's the bottom line? What's it going to come down to?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Well, I think patience obviously, but I think you're going to have you have to be in good shape. You have to just hit one shot at a time. That's my game plan. I'm just going to go out there and do what I've got to do. I love this golf course. I'm going to try and hit fairways and try and hit greens and try and stay out of trouble; that can get you on this golf course.

Q. What kind of a drop did you get on 9 and were you entirely pleased with it?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Well, I was probably it was probably a good drop. My ball was plugged, so I was in the rough and I plugged it. It was so soggy, it was not even worth dropping for casual water because who knows where you're going to end up, so I just it landed pretty decent and I just hit it from there.

Q. Were you in casual water after you dropped it and could you have asked for relief if you wanted it?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: If you really had my gravity, yeah, I maybe could have gotten a few drops, but it was borderline. I said I'm just going to hit it from me.

Q. You could hit 7 wood?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: I could hit 7 wood. That's probably the club I would hit anyways. I was in the rough, so I couldn't expect much of a better lie.

Q. (Inaudible).

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: Yeah, I think I don't know if the wind pushed it or something. It was sitting on the lip for a little bit and then dropped in.

End of FastScripts.

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