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August 18, 2006

Tim Clark


Q. As the afternoon went on and kind of rain hung in there and whatnot, what did it do to conditions?

TIM CLARK: It didn't really change them that much. The greens are really pretty soft and it didn't really soften up the fairways that much. In terms of the course, it didn't change a whole lot. The only thing I guess is that little bit of water on the ball made it a little tough to get yardages and distances. Otherwise it hasn't changed the course a whole lot.

Q. Your expectation for numbers as we get into the weekend, if conditions remain like this?

TIM CLARK: Well, as always, I think the course will probably toughen up a little bit on the weekend. Hopefully greens get a little bit firmer. It's always going to be double digits who wins this tournament. Who knows, if someone goes out and really plays exceptional golf, could get it to 14 under, but I have in mind about 11, 12.

Q. How do you assess your position?

TIM CLARK: Pretty decent. 5 under, obviously going to have to play great golf on the weekend. Anyone who win this is championship is going to have to do that.

Yeah, I can't complain. I would love to be a few more under but through two days, I'm very happy with five.

Q. So you would rather be a couple more shots under in do you feel like you used up some shots out there?

TIM CLARK: Not really. Not really. I guess I just took a few more putts made possibly. I feel like I've hit the ball really well. I've hit a lot of fairways and a lot of greens and I've had the chances to make a few more birdies which I haven't done but overall, very pleased because I haven't made that many bogeys.

Q. A lot of guys have not made the numbers you would expect on the par 5s and have not taken as much advantage as was expected; why not?

TIM CLARK: I don't know. I think obviously it comes down to if you miss the fairway on the par 5 suddenly it becomes a tough hole. Then for those guys that have hit the fairway, you're not always going to be able to go for the green and today I had a chance to go to the green, hit a good shot on the green and just over the back in the rough and really had an extremely difficult up and down.

So I believe there's probably been more birdies and eagles made than people have expected. Certainly a lot more eagles. Through the practice rounds, we decent see too many eagles on this course and the guys are making them.

End of FastScripts.

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